Sunday – Son Day

Today is a day that I’ve never really looked forward to.
My son is moving into the dorm at college.
I know, it’s part of the progression that comes with having children,
but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.  
I’ve been blessed to be a stay-at-home mom his whole life.
I was blessed to homeschool him from kindergarten through graduation.
It seems like just yesterday I was teaching him to read.
I’ve been blessed that he choose to live at home his first few years of college, 
so I had him here longer than I might have.
It’s not like he’ll be far away.  His college is only 30 minutes
from home and he works less than 15 minutes from home,
but it’s not the same as knowing he’ll come home to
sleep at night and I won’t be hearing, “I’ll see you later, Mom” when
he leaves for work.  I won’t be able to tell
him to come in my room and tap me when he comes home
late at night – just so I know he got home safe.
I wonder how long it will take before I stop worrying that
he’s safely in his dorm each night.
I’m glad he’s really looking forward to it and  
I hope he makes great memories living in the dorm.
I know he’s ready for more independence,
but he’s my boy – my firstborn, and home just
won’t be quite the same without him around on a regular basis.
He was a sport and gave me a nice, long hug
before he went to bed, when I whined about it being
his last night of truly living at home.
He knew his big baby of a mom needed it.
God, please bless & watch over my boy,
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  1. Ang,
    I think we all go through this and both my sons still lived at home well into their 20’s!
    Now that it is just the 2 of us, I love it!!This stage of my life suits me just fine….
    A friend of mine always said that “you raise your children to grow up and leave you” …
    Meaning they become adults with lives of their own. My 2 are just up the street though if they need us…


  2. When my oldest was born, we sent out an announcement card to family and friends with a little rhyme “Give us your hand, we’ll hold it and guide you, until you say ‘I can do it on my own'”. It sounded very nice in Flemish, because it rhymed. The translation gives you an idea though.

    Take care!

  3. Angie,
    Your gonna make me cry! I am not looking forward to that day.But you raised him right and God will watch over him! He is blessed to have amazing parents like you!

  4. I have one more year and I’m dreading it

  5. Angie,
    I can tell you as a mother of 3 sons that you never stop worrying. My 3 sons are all grown up and on their own, but we are moms and it’s our job to take care of them even as they grow up. My youngest lived in Iowa for 3 1/2 yrs. (I live in Louisiana). I would see him once a yr. It was hard. He and his wife are back home now. I don’t see him every day, but he is closer. My oldest lives about 30 miles away and my middle son lives in my back yard. It is hard letting go, but you will get used to your son not being so close after a time. Hang in and I will pray for you and your son.

  6. You gave him the strong foundation, now you’ll enjoy watching him build on it.


  7. I’m sure this is a very hard moment for every parent. I’m also sure you’ve prepared him very well for this time in his life. You’ll be ok, but you’ll probably never stop worrying. I still have to call my parents when I get home from their house (it’s only 15 minutes away). That nature of parenthood I think. All in all, even with all the scary emotions, I’m sure there are joyful emotions mixed right in. It’s a big day!

  8. I get teary eyed reading this because it seems like yesterday we were sending our youngest off to college. It will get easier. Isn’t it a good feeling that he’s excited to go off on his own and enjoy his independence?! Best of luck to him!

  9. It is never easy to see that firstborn head down the road of their life (outside our lives). God bless you. He is certainly a handsome young man and I know he does you proud- xo Diana

  10. I understand, Angie. I felt the same way when my eighteen year old son went off to join the Navy.. He made it and I did too, though it wasn’t easy. Blessings, Charlotte

  11. No, you never get to the point where you quit missing or worrying about your children. Not ever. It gets easier, but being a mom is a lifetime of worry~~and a lifetime of joy, pride, and love. And just when you think you are starting to relax, just a little, along comes the grandchildren, lol. I have five children, and I wept when each started preschool, when they started high school, when they started college, when they married~~each step was an occasion of pride, but a little sense of loss, too. But on the other hand, having grown-up children, children who are now wives, and (in some cases) mothers, is such a delight. Be kind to yourself, enjoy the good parts of having an empty nest, give yourself time to adjust. You have done a good job with him, and it DOES get easier!

  12. I’m remembering fighting tears all the way home from dropping my daughter off at university, an hour from home. As everyone has said, you get used to it but you still are allowed one good, hide away by yourself, cry! ~ Maureen

  13. So sweet. I remember when I took my oldest daughter to college. I cried the whole six hours home.

  14. Tears in my eyes thinking of you and how sweet your son is. I will be a basket case when my son goes off to college as I too have a sweet son, but he’s only nine. I have many years to come. On the other hand I may be doing handstands when my 14 year old daughter goes off to college….just kidding (kinda).

  15. I am yet to cross that path, nut I am sure it will probably happen in the next couple of years- not sure if I am ready for it?

  16. Awww, so nice to see such a caring parent and a respectful loving son. I too have 4 boys 3 which have left the nest, my youngest son is 11 I fear the day when he leaves ,him beingthe youngest one I tend to be closer to him. Us moms just need to remember the love and support we display for our sons will be held close to their heart.

  17. Aww, I can certainly empathize with you, dear Angie. My daughter left home at 20 (7 years ago) to transfer to a college a couple of hours south of us; as a commuting student, she had to rent apartments with roommates, work part-time jobs, and wasn’t able to come home for the usual summer vacations or even semester breaks. Whenever she did come home, it was like “losing” her all over again whenever she left. She never moved back home after graduation, having met her now-husband and settling in that area. To this day, I still cry whenever we have to part after seeing each other. (Oh, and now we have two little granddaughters whom we miss terribly, too.) But life goes on, and the gut-wrenching pain of those early years has faded considerably. And it will for you, too, especially when you think about what a wonderful young man you raised. He has a good head on his shoulders and will stay safe and be successful… and I bet he comes home more than you think he will!

    A million (((hugs))) to you.

  18. Reading this brought tears because I can so relate. My baby girl is married and lives far away from me though only a few hours’ plane ride away. She and her hubby went on a trip and was traveling last night to their destination – and I worried. I don’t think we ever stop worrying about them. Thanks for sharing!

  19. I can totally relate because our circumstances are somewhat similar. I homeschooled both our boys all the way through to graduation, too. Our oldest lived at home for his first two years of college as well. Then he moved to another state to finish up his last two years. Even though it was another state it was only about 2.5-3.0 hours away so we got to see him occasionally.

    He graduated and moved back home this past May. He will be living at home for at least a year to save money and pay off the rest of his college debt. Since he was blessed with some scholarships and worked about 32 hours to put himself through college, he will probably have it all paid off in a little less than a year now.

    His younger brother will be starting his second year of college next month. He will finish up this year at a junior college, like his brother, and then transfer to a four year for his last two years. He wants to go to school in CA (we live in WA) and THAT distance might do me in, lol!

    So I am enjoying what will probably be our last year with both boys home. They both work (the youngest is working his way through college too) and aren’t home much but at least they’re home. Do what I did: just pretend that your son is home studying in his dorm all the time and you won’t have to worry where he is, lol!

    O.k., I am writing a book here but wanted to say that I am totally loving your blog here and am adding you to my reader. I am going to come back and poke around because you have a totally awesome decorating style!

  20. So heart wrenching this post Angie, your feelings almost tangible and the feelings you evoke so poignant. God bless your loving son and your wonderful family!


  21. I crossed that path a few years ago. I was happy for my son, but my life felt so lonely without him. It took a while but I was finally able to cope. It’s a process that will help the two of you to grow.

  22. oh, I am dreading that day, they are so happy, and we are sad!!! I guess we all have to go thru it, but it is sad!!!

  23. I just sent my first born boy off to college. He is in a completely different State. I miss him sorely, so I understand. But this is what I raised him to do and know that because he is such a wonderful young man and has made such great choices, he will be fine. I look forward to when he comes home to visit, but ache that he isn’t with us each and every day.

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