Antique Graphics Advertisements and Instant Artwork

It’s been a few weeks since I posted
more from my stock of antique graphics,
so here’s some I hope you’ll enjoy
and find useful for a project or two.  Several of these would be perfect
as framable art.  Just print!All of these came from some 1800’s Peterson’s Magazines.Enjoy!

This curling comb looks a little dangerous,
but isn’t the artwork wonderful?

“Don’t be a pig, Pussy.” – Frameable Art
This crown came from an asthema medication ad.

2 lovely advertisements for seeds.

Cashmere Bouquet Extract – Frameable Art

Complexion Cream – Framable ArtListen to the wording for this cream.
“The wrinkles of old age disappear by its use –
It is not a cosmetic, but a cure.”
Wow – wish I could get my hands on that cream!Many more free printable antique advertisements can be found HERE. antique advertisements free printables

Please know that Knick of Time uses affiliate links, including but not limited to Amazon to help keep this blog up and running.


  1. I love looking at vintage ads! So fun!

  2. Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage says

    Wonderful graphics, Angie! I so love vintage ads. 😉

    Hope to see you at Time Travel Thursday again this week. Come by and see yourself featured!

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  3. These vintage ads are awesome. As to the wrinkle cream, most women didn’t live long enough to get wrinkles…grins. Sure loved that curling comb…such an interesting presentation. Kudos to you! Hugs, Gayle.

  4. How exciting to be a winner! Thanks so much for sharing your vintage finds! Love these quaint old ads and will be downloading for later use! Thanks so much! Blessings!

  5. Love all of these!!

  6. Thanks for sharing the great old ads with us! How exciting!

    When you find that cream, get some for me too, will you?

    Thanks for linking to Potpourri Friday and helping to make it a success! I appreciate your participation!

  7. I just love vintage graphics. Thank you for sharing these.

  8. Angie, Congrats to the winners! Thank you for sharing these great graphics at the Open House party.

  9. i love the vintage stuff!!

  10. OK, snooping on your blog again and I found these, and well ‘ya know I’m gonna have to do SOMETHING with that “Bliss’s” seeds graphic. It was already cute, now it’s a must do so I’ll pin it to remind myself.


  11. Hi Angie,
    Thanks for the site and free printable. Just curious…. I was trying to open the Curl your hair vintage printable and it just won’t open. I was able to open the tooth powder and the Pear soap but not the curl your hair vintage print. Can you help me out? 🙂

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