Blessed Assurance A Death Sentence – A Life Sentence

If there was just one movie I could recommend you see this year, the one I’d recommend was never a blockbuster hit, and it didn’t rake in millions of dollars.  It was made by a Grammy-award winning group that is well-known, and they performed at their finest.  That movie?  The Miracle of Hope – The Brooklyn Tabernacle Singers

A few years ago I received a whole box full of Christian DVD’s in the mail.  I can’t remember why I received them, but it must have been some kind of prize or giveaway, or some such.  In that box was,”The Miracle of Hope”.  Once I watched it, my wish was that everyone could see it.  I’ve watched my copy at least 10 times.

This movie is actually a recording of a concert that The Brooklyn Tabernacle Singers performed at the Louisiana State Penitentiary, better known as “Angola”.  It is a maximum security prison, where most of the inmates are serving life sentences.

Aside from the stirring musical selections performed by the choir, what touched me most was the testimonies shared by inmates with life sentences who became Christians after being sent to prison.  These are the testimonies of murders whose lives have been radically transformed by faith in Christ and belief in the hope of salvation.  Hope that transcends their incarceration and their life sentences.

They’ve been stripped of every freedom we enjoy, and rightfully so,
but the one thing they have that can not be taken away is Christ.
And with Christ these men have is assurance.
They have assurance that prison is not their final home.
Heaven is.

Like the thief on the cross next to Jesus, they have nothing to offer him.  They’ve done nothing to merit his favor or forgiveness.  But like that thief on the cross, Jesus offers these prisoners the assurance that they can be forgiven for their crimes and though they’ll be punished with a death sentence or a life sentence in prison, what they will receive from him is a NEW life sentence.
Their sins will be as far removed from them as the east is from the west.

If you can’t purchase this video, (though I’d strongly encourage it),
I hope you’ll take a few minutes to watch clips of it HERE

My favorite song on the video is called, “This is How it Feels to be Free”.
You can watch this song performed in its entirety at this link:

Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir – This Is How It Feels To Be Free
In Him who gives us the Blessed Assurance of fo

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  1. I’ve never seen this movie, but if I ever do, I’m going to get it!

  2. Unfortunately, most of us (Me included) have never heard of this movie and it is clear as to why. The testimonies of these prisoners are powerful and present a strong message, I’m sure. What a blessing to know that these men have found Christ and have a way to share what He has done for them. Thank you for sharing this. This is one movie that is definitely worth checking out.

  3. Angie, wonderful pist! I want to get tis movie now that you have described it…it sounds like an awesome movie. Faith and salvation are subjects not often written about on our blogs, and I am so excited to read what you wrote about it. You might want to read a thing I wrote a number of years ago and now have as a separate page at the top of my blog. Its title is Blood Stained Am I and goes right along with this movie!!
    Blessings to you!!

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