Grain Sack Camp Folding Stool

Last weekend, I brought home a couple of little camping folding stools.  I did tons of camping growing up, and still love to do it as often as I can, so I have a soft spot for these little stools.
It appeared that someone had already replaced the fabric once.  There weren’t any seams – the fabric was rough cut, folded over and stapled to the stool, with raw edges left exposed .  I realize it’s a camping chair, but it was still a little more primitive than I like.  Growing up with a seamstress, I don’t do raw edges.  I do seams that have been pressed open, so the sewn piece looks finished properly.
I removed the fabric, and stained the old wood to freshen it up, then added some screws to stabilize the chair more.  I bought more grain sack style fabric from Decor Steals – this time the beige with blue stripes, then cut out a long rectangular piece of fabric to fit the length of the stool (with the width doubled).  I folded the fabric in half lengthwise, and sewed one seam on the long edge (pressing it open), and turned it right-side out.  I folded 1/2″ of the fabric to the inside of the two shorter sides, then top-stitched them closed before stapling the fabric to the stool.  Now it looks finished and pretty to me.
The grain sack fabric does have more stretch to it than canvas fabric would, making it better suited for children than adults.  Personally, I would probably use it as a tray table while camping, to set next to the bigger folding chairs we usually use.  You could use the grain sack fabric as the top piece, and use denim or canvas for the underside, to make the fabric less stretchy.

This fabric is still available from Decor Steals, so don’t forget to create your account, with the link below to get $5 off your order.  If you’ve already created an account – don’t forget to redeem your $5 discount!



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  1. I love the redo and what a useful piece of furniture!

  2. Definitely looks better now! I love the fabric, great transformation, Angie!
    Debbie 🙂

  3. I’ve got some stools that I’ve been wanting to do this to…pinning!

  4. Love this transformation,

  5. Cute as ever and such a brilliant idea.

  6. Perfect!

  7. Love the look with the grain sack fabric. Very useful little stool.
    Thanks for all you share.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  8. These are adorable! I must find one for my glamper!!

  9. Hi Angie,
    I love your makeover, but I have to share something with you. I think you have mistaken what you have there. I only know this because I have one in my guest room. The difference is in the height. I think what you have there is actually an old luggage cot/stand that you find in old hotel rooms. You can open it and put you suitcase on top to make getting to your packed items easier as you unpacked. You could also leave your bag packed and let it sit on the stand for your stay if you choose not to unpack. When not in use it folds up for easy storge and other uses. Since I don’t think yours would be sturdy enough to sit on try using it like this or to put a tray on for many different uses. Thanks for sharing and all your inspiration.. I love your site and all the great things you share with us. Please don’t stop.

  10. I put an old oversized silverplate tray on mine with a frilly old doiley. I put some of my old china teapots and teacups and saucers on it and it looks so good and very vintage. Maybe you should do something like that with yours just for pics for your blog. With the cooler weather coming it looks warm and inviting. Thanks once again for sharing. I was complimenting you in my last comment. I’m sorry if you didnt take it that way. Have a good night.

    • I totally took it as a compliment, Kathy! I’m glad it looked like an antique luggage rack, because I love them! I need to pull the other one out that I have and do something with it too!

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