Today I just couldn’t focus.
I had one project on my kitchen table, and another project on my kitchen counter, and parts of projects scattered on the floor and my desk, but at least one step of every project was giving me grief, and I was getting cranky. Normally I love working on my projects, but today it all just felt like work.
My mind kept going back to our family day on the river last weekend. It was so relaxing and scenic and fun, and I just wanted to go back and do it again.
And in the midst of my messes and unfinished projects, something arrived in our mailbox that reminded me that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, and makes me a cranky girl.
One of my sons is a graphic design major (the one who helped me make my barn quilt), and he ordered a drawing notebook to keep in his backpack, so when inspiration strikes he can pull it out and sketch his ideas.
When he opened the package and pulled out the box that the notebook came in, I didn’t see just a box – I saw what could be amazing instant wall art!
One side of the box has the word, “work” and the other side says, “play” – such a great reminder that both work and play are necessary.
I already had the screws in the wall, so I just put each half of the box on a screw.
I felt like I’d been given permission to step away from my work for the rest of the day, and just relax.
My son is focusing on branding for his major, and I’m excited to see the awesome designs he’ll create. I plan to be his first customer! 🙂
These aren’t affiliate links – I just want to give credit where it’s due to the awesome creators!
The notebook came from Baron Fig.
The packaging was designed by Jen Mussari.
If you have a “thing” for great packaging and branding as well, visit my Pinterest board to see more amazing package designs!
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Angie, you are so lucky to have such a talented son who is interested in design and art. It must be so nice to have that in common with him. It’s always nice to have a common interest with out kids, I think.
I just have to tell you that after you did that cloche (glass dome) with the cement base the other day I was inspired to try one myself because I tho’t it was so clever–using the aluminum pie pan and the cement, etc. But as far as I knew I didn’t have a glass dome, so I was thinking I would have to get a chance to buy one. Then I was looking at some glass containers and vases that my daughter has left on a shelf in the basement and lo and behold there was a glass dome! Just waiting for me to find it and make one of those bases for it! I haven’t bought the cement yet and, honestly, I’m a little intimidated about using it. But it looked really easy in your pictures. I guess the main thing is to work on a surface that won’t be hurt if it gets cement on it. Anyway, soon, I hope, I am going to make one of those. I can just see a miniature fairy garden in it.
Thanks for sharing all your projects. It’s really fun reading about them and I am always inspired to try something myself.
Naomi, working with the cement really is easy – just throw some newspaper down on your work surface. I didn’t get any on my kitchen table, but it wipes up easily while wet. Good luck making yours!!
What a way to upcycle.
They look fantastic – and they provide the perfect advice 🙂
Thanks so much, Pia!
Angie – I too need to be reminded of the importance of PLAY. My husband says i take everything too seriously, and i believe he’s right! Great products arrived in your mail – just meant to be!
I also must ask about your son’s major…what is “branding?” I only know of branding cattle.
What a great way to display them! I didn’t realize it was a box… I had to read this twice… I’m dull this evening, I guess.
Anyway… they’re perfect!
I think every creative person needs this reminder in their craft/work space.
You are so imagitive! Can’t wait to see your son’s work. And I am so interested in branding. Would love to hear some of your thoughts and some of his on that topic.