Guest House Fall Window Box Refresh for Fall

I don’t really “do” Halloween, but quite unintentionally, sometime between May and September, my cute little guest house turned into a haunted house … spider webs and all.

I was away from home for several weeks at a time this summer, and all the pretty flowers in my pallet window box died in my absence.

When I came home from the most recent trip last week, I discovered that the spiders had taken up residence and had made webs in every corner of the room.

How to make a rustic pallet wood farmhouse window flower box -

Dead plants and spider webs don’t give off a “welcome to the guest house” vibe.

I thought about playing creepy music and charging admission fees, but decided to get rid of the creepy crawly critters and do something farmhouse “fallish” with my poor window box instead.


I went “shopping” outdoors and created an arrangement full of natural elements that can easily be changed out once fall is over, and I did it without spending a bunch of money!

In fact, my only purchase was a few mini pumpkins and a small pot of mums.

Guest House Autumn Window Box Refresh |

Here’s how to make your own fall farmhouse window box (affiliate links are in italics to help you locate supplies).

You’ll need a rustic wood box.  The tutorial to make one is here, or you can purchase one with a removable zinc liner.

Stencil a design on the front, if desired.  The farmer’s feed & seed stencil was used on mine.

Put a brick of  florist foam inside the wood box.  I ended up using a whole one, plus half of another brick to fill mine.

You do not need to take a photo of yourself in shorts and a mismatched shirt…

That’s just something I do. 🙂


Wander outdoors and collect lots of natural elements.  I gathered clippings from our maple tree, pine trees, and burning bush, and corn tassels from a corn field across the road from my house.

I also picked some cattails and weeds.  I wanted lots of different textures and colors.


Start poking everything into the foam brick.  Use branches with leaves to fill out most of the box.

You do not have to take photos of yourself … in shorts … in a mismatched shirt.

That’s just something I do. 🙂


Just keep poking things into the brick until the box is nice and full and you like the arrangement.


I put it back on the window ledge outside my guest house and added some rusty farm junk and empty flower pots.


My guest house window box is decked out for fall using all free natural elements |

And here’s how it looks now … all fall and farmhouse, and no more haunted house!


I put together a quick little video of the process that I hope you’ll enjoy.  Feel free to share it!  I’m new at making videos, but I’m having fun with it and hope to make lots of more of them.

You can also follow me on Youtube, where you can see all my videos.

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Head outdoors and gather natural elements to create a rustic farmhouse style wood crate for fall decor -

Vaya con Dios,


Please know that Knick of Time uses affiliate links, including but not limited to Amazon to help keep this blog up and running.


  1. Well, it just turned out great! Just goes to show you don’t have to always spend money to spruce up a spot like this. Also, I chuckled at your comment about your shorts too. Thanks for the inspiration and for a smile today.

  2. That turned out beautifully, Angie…love the addition of cattails!

  3. That’s very pretty, Angie! And I love that it’s made with free “weeds”! I also like the vintage iron wheel in the background. In fact, I covet it! What is it from? An old wheelbarrow? It really appeals to my penchant for old, rusty iron.

  4. I am not the crafty one that you are, but you speak my language. That bit about the shorts and mismatched shirt…so funny! And exactly the kind of thing I would do. Love your window box and your courage to show what you found when you returned to town (brown-themed wiindow box). Don’t we all have those moments?

  5. mare williams says

    As always, LOVE your funny comments…..AND the guest house window sill as well….turned out rustically beautiful!!!!!

  6. I love this display and that box with that fall styled arrangement is wonderful. The clay pots add a nice touch too. Very inviting!

  7. That’s beautiful and inspiring! Thank you!
    Your clothing comments made me happy, love seeing real life:)

  8. You’ve done a beautifully job, Angie. It’s really lovely. Thanks for the additional video as well, it looks great too!

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