DIY Salvaged Wood Quilt Block Coasters & Ceramic Tiles

I think small things aren’t getting the attention they deserve.

For example, Starbucks got all fancy with their “Grande” and “Venti” size drinks, but then they just called the small and medium drinks “short” and “tall.”

What, there’s no fancy way to say “short and tall”?

They want you to think bigger is better with the fancier names, but the coffee is just as good in the small size as the Venti.

So today, I’m going to show  you why small things are every bit as wonderful as their full-size counterparts.

A few months ago, I introduced some Quilt Block stencils in my line of Vintage Sign Stencils.

They are the perfect size to make barn quilt wall art and quilt block pillows.

But what if you love making small things?

Well, I’m happy to report that I’m now carrying the quilt block stencils in smaller sizes too and I made two new projects with them to show you.

Small Things That Are Fun to Make:

Quilt Block Wood Coasters & Painted Ceramic Tiles

Making salvaged wood coasters is so easy and is a great way to use up wood scraps; and they look so adorable too.

Here’s how:

1.  Cut scrap wood to your desired coaster size.  I cut my pallet wood scraps into 5″ squares.

These miniature size quilt block stencils prove that good things come in small packages. They are the perfect size to use on coasters, ceramic tiles and other home decor. Available from Vintage Sign Stencils by Knick of Time |

2.  Center the stencil on the wood and secure with painter’s tape.

Create DIY home decor with these miniature size quilt block stencils from Knick of Time's Vintage Sign Stencils |

Miniature Quilt Block Stencils are available HERE.

3.  Using a very dry brush, apply paint in a tapping motion and let dry.

Create DIY home decor with these miniature size quilt block stencils from Knick of Time's Vintage Sign Stencils |

4.  Seal with acrylic spray sealer.

Create DIY home decor with these miniature size quilt block stencils from Knick of Time's Vintage Sign Stencils |

Because of their small size, you can finish a whole set of these sweet coasters in about 15 minutes.

Make a set of quilt block rustic wood coasters in about 15 minutes! They make the perfect inexpensive gift for a coffee drinker! Get the how-to at Knick of Time |

Wrap up a set in twine, include a jar full of freshly ground coffee or whole beans, and you’ve got the perfect gift for a coffee lover!

Make a set of quilt block rustic wood coasters in about 15 minutes! They make the perfect inexpensive gift for a coffee drinker! Get the how-to at Knick of Time |

An even quicker version is painting the quilt blocks on ceramic tiles.

I paid less than 20 cents each for the tiles, so they are super cheap to make.

I used stencil spray adhesive to secure the stencil, then taped off all the edges with painter’s tape.

The stencil adhesive keeps the spray paint from blowing underneath the stencil, and the tape masks off the rest of the tile.

DIY painted ceramic tile with small size quilt block stencils by Knick of Time's Vintage Sign Stencils |

Okay, now I want to show you something else that’s small size and is absolutely adorable …

If you recall, my daughter gave away her Quarter Horse a few years ago when she was too busy with school and work to give him the attention he needed.

Well, her miniature horse, Shimmery (the horse on the left), has been pretty lonely ever since.

A few months ago, she came across an ad for another miniature horse that needed a new home.

He was completely untrained and not used to interacting with people, but we brought him home.

My daughter graduated from college last year and is less busy now, so she has more time for her horses.

She’s been working with him, and he’s not at all afraid of us now.  His name is Blade, and we love him!

Small Things - “Sometimes,' said Pooh, 'the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” |

Pooh had it right …

“Sometimes,” said Pooh, “the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.”

Vaya con Dios,

If you enjoyed today’s projects, you may also like these:

DIY Farmhouse Coasters

DIY Polaroid Photo Tile Coasters

DIY Polaroid Tile Coasters |


  1. These are so pretty, Angie…love the look of the stencil on the coasters and tiles!

  2. I love your barn photos. A few weeks ago Shutterfly sent me a free photo project (just had to pay for shipping) and when none of my photos were the right jpeg I used one of your barn photos to turn it into a photo puzzle. So cute and less than $10. So, thanks for the free printable. I love all your work, by the way.

  3. What wonderful ideas, Angie. I’m thrilled that you have begun selling small versions of the quilt stencils! These I can use. And your gift ideas are super, too, gifts I would love myself!

  4. Naomi S. says

    I am a great fan of small things, Angie. I have numerous collections and various small items all over my house. Oh, yes, and plants, too. I can’t stop taking cuttings and rooting them! Therefore I have many little starts to give away! I think small is beautiful! The coasters are cool. I like the little quilt designs on them.

    And the little horses are just dear. I have never had a horse although I begged and begged for one when I was around nine or ten. We lived in an old Victorian house in a very small town and there was an old barn-like coach house on the property, so my reasoning was if we had a barn, why couldn’t we have a horse? Makes sense, right? Of course, being a child, I had no idea whatsoever what it would take to care for a horse properly. And the grown-ups were not about to take on that task in addition to their other responsibilities! I did shed a few tears about that. And I’ve never lived anywhere as an adult where I could have a horse but I’ve always loved them. So I’m glad you have two, now!

    • I always wanted a horse when I was a kid too, Naomi. I never got one, but I’m so glad we were able to get them for our daughter. She’s had her first miniature horse since she was about 7, so her horse is getting to be an old gal now, which is all the more reason we didn’t want her to be by herself.

  5. This is a cute post. Love the projects, but love your writing style almost more. I think we have Pooh in common. I just did a project I named after a quote. I enjoy your blog a lot.

    • Thanks so much, Dorothy, I love basing projects and blog posts on both quotes and song titles. Some are meaningful to me, but others just get stuck in my head, so I have to use them! 🙂

  6. Your scrap wood coasters look great!

  7. Oh i love these!! They are soo cool. Love the patterns Sharing on Twitter. Thank you for sharing on Merry Monday! Have a great week!

  8. Love the coasters. Too funny about the horses. Years ago I had a quarter horse, then sold him because I had no time to ride. The empty stall and corral saddened me, so I adopted a shetland pony and an alpine goat. Their gentle nature was constant, and every now and then, I’d throw a halter and lead shank on the pony and take her for a walk on the beach – just like a dog!

    • We thought about getting her older mini a companion goat Linda, but when she saw Blade she changed her mind. I’m so glad she did – he’s such a cutie!

  9. Very cute idea. Perfect for gifts!

  10. These are lovely!

  11. These are so cute. What a great idea!

  12. This are so simple and cute! Plus, I love the coffee gift idea – how fun!

  13. Love these, Angie! I will have to try to make some coasters like these – genius idea!!

  14. What a cute craft project!

  15. Love these quilt block coasters! They are my host pick this week on Funtastic Friday!

  16. I’m in love with your coasters!! You must be a quilter.. ?


    • Marni, I wish I was! Actually my mom does some quilting and her sister owned a quilt shop for many years. She’s an amazing quilter. I’ve only done a few quilt projects – a Christmas tree skirt and table runner. Someday I’d love to take a class and do a few more projects.

  17. Popping by from Colors and Crafts link party. Love the coasters. Simple, stylish and great to fit any home design. Ans as a quilter, I love the patterns 🙂 Have a great weekend and thank you for sharing your work!

  18. Those are super cute!

  19. What simple, yet cute coasters! Love them! 🙂 Lisa

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