Use this beautiful The Old Rugged Cross Hymn Watercolor Free Easter printable for DIY wall art, cards, gift tags, crafts, and more. Easy to download and print at home!
DIY Scripture Sign Be Courageous: Chalking Series Project 12
DIY Scripture Sign Be Courageous: Chalking Series Project 12 Yesterday was my firstborn son’s birthday. It’s hard to believe that it was 28 years ago that I became a parent for the first time. I feel kind of sorry for him because he was a bit like a guinea pig teaching me everything I didn’t know about being a mom. He survived though and grew into a wonderful young man who now has a beautiful wife. His favorite Bible verse {Read More}
Bible Verse Typography Printables in Two Color Choices
I think I’ve mentioned in the past that my middle son is a graphic design major in college and for one of his recent assignments he designed a Bible verse typography poster, with the text from James 4:8. He knows how much I love typography, so he sent the image to me in two different color options. One has a black background with white and orange text, and the other has a white background with black and blue text. He gave me {Read More}
The Good Old-Fashioned Way
I don’t know about you all, but with the events of the last 24 hours in France, I just want to yell, “Stop the world, I want to get off!” I know the it’s probably naive the thing that the “old days” were any better than today, but I think most of us, myself included, crave old-fashioned values, and a whole lot less bad news. I came across this hymn from the early 1900’s called, “The Good Old-Fashioned Way”, and I just had {Read More}
Family Reunion – Yay! or Yuk?
When’s the last time you attended a family reunion? Do you love going to them, or do you force yourself to go out of duty? My parents are here visiting, and when my mom told me there was a family reunion she wanted to attend, I’ll admit, I wasn’t at all excited. Many of the people I haven’t see since I was a child, so the prospect of saying, “I’m Carol’s daughter, or “Alfred was my grandfather didn’t excite me. {Read More}
The Heavens Declare the Glory of God – Printable Antique Sheet Music
I love it when Scripture is set to music, and this sheet music page, “The Heavens Declare the Glory of God” is lovely. It came from a mid-1920’s magazine for musicians. {Click HERE{ for the full-size printable version.} Psalm 19:1-7 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone {Read More}
Consider the Wildflowers – Photography Printable with Bible verse
Happy Mother’s Day!! I picked up this pretty red enamelware coffee pot at an antique store last month, and went outside to pick some flowering weeds to put in it. They may only be weeds, but I think they are just as pretty as flowers from a garden, and they are growing prolifically along my gravel road, so I can pick them to my heart’s content! It reminded me of the “consider the wildflowers” verse found in Luke 12:27 NIV {Read More}
An Evening Prayer
Is this hymn familiar to any of you? I’ve never heard it before, but I really like the words, particularly the first stanza. Blessings,
God be with You antique hymn page printable
This old hymn, “God be with You” is from one of my antique hymnals and would make a nice addition to a gift or used on a project for someone who is moving, going off to college, or leaving on a mission trip. I think it would work well printed for the cover of a card, or decoupaged into wood. Click HERE for the full size printable. I hope you enjoy it!