Coke Crate Repurposed into a Spice Rack

I’m still in New Mexico with my family, so I’ve invited Karen from Dogs Don’t Eat Pizza,to share how she repurposed an old Coke crate into a spice rack with you today.  Take it away, Karen!

I’m thrilled that Angie asked me to share a project here heretoday! At Dogs Don’t Eat Pizza, I write about the DIY, repurposing, and home decor projects I’m doing in my home (and elsewhere). Angie and I are two peas in a pod decor-wise, so I’m excited to be here and meet you!

I’ve had this Coke crate for a long time. It’s been a craft supplies holder, a desk organizer, and now, I’m going to show you how I turned this vintage Coke crate into a spice rack.

Use a vintage Coke crate as spice rack - vintage Coke crate spice rack -

Our kitchen in the new-to-us house is predominantly gray. It needed (a) storage and (b) some color. As you can see from other rooms of mine, I like red as a pop of color in each room. For example:

laundry-room-complete - laundry-pedestal -

Or this:

red runner on porch -

The kitchen cart and Coke crate provide that pop of red to spice up (ha – get it?!? DIY humor!) the kitchen.

vintage spice rack and kitchen cart - vintage Coke crate spice rack -

That is the bar cart from our old house. I turned it back into its original purpose as a kitchen cart.

vintage coke crate spice rack closeup - vintage Coke crate spice rack -

To hang the crate on the wall, I held it up against the wall – empty – and made sure it was level. Then I drilled holes through the crate – one in each corner of the crate – and into the wall. On one side, I had a stud to drill into, but not on the other. I added wall anchors to those holes and then attached the crate to the wall with screws.

parsley sage rosemary and thyme - vintage Coke crate spice rack -

Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme, among other spices. (Anyone else have a song stuck in their head now? You’re welcome.)

You can find a vintage Coke crate at salvage stores, antique markets, consignment stores, or thrift stores. I found this one at a consignment store but I’ve seen stacks and stacks of them at a local antiques market.

Click HERE for more ideas for how to use Coke crates in your home.

Are you wondering why my blog is called “Dogs Don’t Eat Pizza”? Click HERE for that story!

For more repurposing projects, click HERE.

To see my whole kitchen, which I renovated on a budget, click HERE:

Kitchen - Home Tour -

Thanks so much for sharing your repurposed Coke crate spice rack and home here today, Karen!


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  1. Such a clever use for Coca-Cola crates! I love a bit of red in my kitchen…I’ll have to give this a try…thank you!

  2. Very clever Coca-Cola crate repurpose! I have a couple of Canada Dry crates that you’ve got me thinking about.

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