DIY Bee Projects, Crafts & Snacks: National Honey Bee Awareness Day

DIY Bee Projects, Crafts, & Snacks:  National Honey Bee Awareness Day

The third Saturday in August (tomorrow) is National Honey Bee Awareness Day.

Who knew bees have their own day! 

I didn’t.  I Googled something and stumbled upon that fact.

Now, some supposed national days are pretty stupid in my opinion.  For instance, today is “I love my feet day.”  Now, I do love my feet.  But I don’t think it requires a national day.  Do you?

On the other hand, bees are responsible for more than 1/3 of the food we eat.

I think bees are well-deserving of a day to get more educated about them and have fun doing it!

That’s a pretty startling thought.

For more information about bees visit, Honeybee Conservancy.

In their honor, I’ve rounded up 20 fun DIY projects, crafts, and snacks!

In this mix you will find adult projects, fun kid crafts, and snacks all featuring the bee.

I hope you’ll enjoy them and find a few that you want to make for yourself or make with a child.

Honey Bee Day DIY Bee Projects Kid Crafts |

DIY Bee Projects, Crafts, and Snacks

1. Button Clothespin Bees – Kid Craft Glued To My Crafts

2. Bumblebee Garden Stake -Kid’s CraftCoffee With Us 3

3. Cute Popsicle Stick Bee Craft Kids Craft Room

4. Oreo BumblebeeMade to Be a Momma

5. Handprint Bee Mine Valentine Day CraftThe Resourceful Mama

6. Bumble Bee Pineapple Treats Meaningful Mama

7. Bee Plate Crafts Things to Share and Remember

8. Paper Weave Bumble BeeFrugal Mom Eh!

9. Spring Bumble Bee Fruit SnackKitchen Fun With My 3 Sons

10. Bee Chocolate Pops The Decorated Cookie

11. Honeycomb Bee Themed Classroom Snack Idea Glued to My Crafts

12. Make a Mason Bee Habitat – Bee Activities for Kids Natural Beach Living

13. Woven Paper Plate Bee Craft Kids Craft Room

14. Bumble Bee Toddler CraftMade to Be a Momma

15. Tissue Paper Bee Kids Craft (With Free Pattern Printable)I Heart Crafty Things

16. Easy DIY Bee Soap Celebrating Everyday Life

17. Bee WreathDebbee’s Buzz

18. Homemade Pillow with BeeThe Graphics Fairy

19. DIY Bumble Bee Apron with Free PrintableH2O Bungalow

20. Screen Print Bee Hive Flour Sack TowelsVintage Fragment


  1. It was a lovely surprise to see my bee wreath featured on your post today. How did you come across it?

  2. Fantastic – flour sack towel 

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