Fall Leaves Decor Project Ideas: 20 Easy Autumn Crafts

Fall Leaves Decor Project Ideas: 20 Easy Autumn Crafts

Who else is excited for the leaves to start changing colors to beautiful fall hues?  I know I am!  I just wish the leaves would stay that way a little longer.  I guess that makes us appreciate it all the more.

Today I’m sharing 20 fall decor ideas made with real leaves so you have project ideas lined up and ready when the leaves do start changing.

Are you ready?

Let’s jump right in to fall leaves! … Pun intended!

Be sure to let me know which ideas are your favorites.

20 Fall Leaves Decor Nature DIY Project Ideas | knickoftime.net

Since it’s a bit too early for the leaves to have started changing colors in most areas, you can purchase preserved autumn leaves HERE and HERE.

Make some of these Fall Leaves Decor Project Ideas. 20 Stunning but Easy Autumn Crafts for people who adore fall! | knickoftime.net

Vaya con Dios,

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  1. i saw on a older post that you used brown paper on your bathroom floor and it held up could you tellme more about how you done it thanks nancy

    • Nancy It was done by tearing pieces of paper, crumpling them up, then putting them in a bowl of school glue and then adhering them to them to the floor. After it dried it was sealed with waterproof sealer.

  2. Is there one link that shows all the projects? Thanks

  3. thank you for new ideas…….

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