Somewhere between the age of 14 and 17, my relationship with my youngest son changed. I can’t pinpoint exactly when it happened. I just know the change has been much tougher on me than it has been on him. When he became a teenager, I naively thought he would be the easiest of my four kids to parent through these years. After all, I was an experienced mom, and had been through the teen years with three other kids. So I should {Read More}
Stinkin’ Rotten
October 9, 2015 by 36 Comments
Do you ever have one of those days when you just aren’t fit to be around people? You have a stinkin’ rotten attitude, and you know it, and quite honestly, you just don’t care. Yeah…I was having one of those days… First of all, I didn’t feel like teaching the writing class for homeschool kids that I had signed up to teach. I’ve been running around all week, and really just wanted to stay home. Was that a good reason {Read More}