Printable Antique Photographs

This week I brought home several
antique photographs that
I like to refer to as “adopted ancestors”.

I love placing antique photographs
around my home and it doesn’t matter
to me whether they are related to me or not.

If you feel the same way,
just right-click to save and print
these old photos to display in your home.

Aren’t these 2 little girls just beautiful?!!
This photo has sold and I have
to say, I had some seller’s remorse about it.

Printable Antique Photographs via

I love everything about this photo –
from the huggable-looking grandmother,
to the old fencing, to the garden behind her.
I decided to keep this photograph.

Printable Antique Photographs via

 This photograph looks like it may
have been an engagement or wedding portrait.

Printable Antique Photographs via


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  1. I have to agree about the photo of those two young girls…that is just too adorable!

  2. Love looking at these old photos. I love imagining what their lives might have been like. Thanks for sharing.


  3. I adore photos like this. I have some of my family that look so much like these.


  4. Love the old antique photos! I have many given to me from my great-uncle!!

  5. Thanks so much for sharing these with us 🙂

  6. Love the vintage photos, the granny looks like use ruled the roost, Laura

  7. i also love old photos. i saw the thumbnail at pearls and lace thursday and had to stop by. very lovely. xo

  8. This is my first time visiting your blog (I popped over from Feathered Nest Friday). I adore antique photos and the one of the two little girls is so precious. I probably would have had second thoughts about keep that one also.

  9. Hi Angie!
    I’m finally getting around to all my Pearls and Lace Thursday party participants!!! Talk about late!
    But I love your antique ancestors!!! Well, I always love what you post!!! Thanks so much for joining me again for P&L!
    Blessings, Doni

  10. Beautiful!

  11. Angie, the last one of the coffin reminds me of our stay at the Wilbraham B&B in Cape May , NJ, decorated within with Victorian funeral memorabilia and artifacts of remembrance. It was my first look at this type of collecting.

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