A Few Simple Signs on Salvaged Wood

One of my favorite finds at auctions is wood salvage.  I love broken wood and wood missing some of its parts, and since not many other people are looking for that type of thing, I can usually get my wood fix cured very inexpensively.
I recently brought home a broken antique shipping crate.  The bottom was trashed, but the sides were fine, so I whipped up a quick little “Fresh Eggs” sign.

I love the little metal rivets holding the 2 pieces of wood together.  Old wood and old metal together, mean you’ll always get some great patina over time.

I don’t remember where I got this old little wooden lid, but I’ve had it sitting by my desk for several months, so it wouldn’t get buried in my workshop.  I wanted to make sure I did something with it.

It appears to have been handmade.  You can faintly see a few number “1”s stamped into the wood.
My guess is it was the lid to a wooden firkin, which is funny because I showed you a much younger wooden firkin HERE that I got that didn’t have a lid.

Don’t immediately bypass the broken stuff you see at yard sales, thrift stores and auctions – seek it out!  It’s so much fun to save it from the dump, and has timeworn character already built into it.


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  1. Cute! I absolutely love using old wood for home decor. Awesome!

  2. I am dying to try my hand at making a few signs. Thanks for the wonderful inspiration.

  3. Hi Angie, nothing beats the patina of old wood. How can you not love the gorgeous wood grain on these pieces? I love the idea that you left the wood natural and just added the signs!


  4. They came out really nice..

  5. These are perfect! I just noticed that the wooden ‘fireworks’ box in my garden is a ‘goner’ although it has weathered at least ten summers and winters as a planter box. I immediately saw that each of the sides and lid will go on to another life as signs. You’ve inspired yet again!

  6. These are so cool! I’m pinning to try it later.
    Visiting from Flaunt it Friday. I hope you can stop by my blog and leave a comment, too!
    ~ Megin of VMG206

  7. ÅÅÅ… så vackert! Härligt med allt gammalt trä som
    man hittar överallt. Gillar du rostigt också?

  8. The Fresh Eggs is my favorite … love that font. Thanks for keeping us inspired.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  9. LOve the fresh eggs sign!

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