Vintage Inspiration Party #188 – White & Yellow Decor

Welcome back to the Vintage Inspiration Party!

white and yellow decor features

This is the place to share anything old, treasured, passed-down or tattered, but you can also share projects that were made to look old, including repurposed and upcycled creations.

vin-tage (adj.) 1.) used to describe something that is not new but that is valued because of its good condition, attractive design, etc. 2.) used to describe something that has the best qualities or characteristics of the things made or done by a particular person, organization, etc.

repurposed and upcycled

Your party hosts have been busy this week too.  Take a look at their latest projects!

vintage enamelware

Angie @ Knick of Time – 20+ Ways to Use Enamelware

Betsy @ My Salvaged Treasures – Jeweled Abalone Shells

There seemed to be a trend at last week’s party, that included a lot of white and yellow decor, so let’s take a look at some of those fun and pretty features!


link party features

This guest bedroom makeover from Follow Your Heart Woodworking is looking beautiful so far!  Be sure to take a look at how the floors looked before the makeover.

yellow decor

Organized Clutter gave a thrift store frame a cute makeover for her kitchen.

thrift store frame

Colour Saturated Life turned a dresser mirror into a cool new sign for her kitchen.

hand painted sign

Hunt and Host turned huge bullet casings into beautiful vases – so creative & funky!

bullet casings

Vintage Cottage Style added a sweet vintage pitcher to her kitchen collection.

ironstone pitcher This pretty farm table makeover from Simply Stone Creek  was feeling “blue”, so I had to include it as a feature as well!

farm table

Our featured blog this week is Sweet Inspirations – be sure to pay her a visit!

blog header

If you were featured – tell the world and add this button to your blog!

Vintage Inspiration Party Featured link party button

Now, let’s see what vintage-inspired decor you have to share this week!

 After you link up here, but sure to link up at the Moonlight & Mason Jars party too!

moonlight and mason jars

signature VIP

Link Party Guidelines

– You are welcome to share anything vintage or vintage inspired. This includes yard sale finds, repurposed and upcycled creations, family heirlooms – including vintage Etsy & Ebay items you have for sale! If it’s been around awhile or just looks that way…share away!! No food links please.

– Pin away, but please be sure to pin directly from the original source, not from my blog.

– Be sure to have a visible link to Knick of Time within your post (text link is fine) within your post.

– By linking up with the Vintage Inspiration Party you agree that your photos and links may be shared on Pinterest, Facebook, and other social media sites. You may be included in a round up to promote the party or individually with a link back to you. We love what you share and the extra exposure is a benefit to everyone.

Please know that Knick of Time uses affiliate links, including but not limited to Amazon to help keep this blog up and running.


  1. Thanks for the awesome party!

  2. Thanks for featuring my sign!

  3. Great features this week Angie–love the blue country table, especially. Thanks so much for hosting!

  4. Yellow and white is one of my favourite colour combinations…I love it, so much, in fact, that is the combo I’ve chosen for my bedroom! I will absolutely have to check out Follow Your Heart Woodworking’s bedroom makeover for ideas! Thank you for bringing this all together…much appreciated!

  5. Thank you for hosting, Angie!
    love and blessings~
    Lynda @ Gates of Crystal

  6. Hi, Angie — Very nice features. Thanks for hosting and have a great week.

  7. Thanks so much for featuring me, Angie, it’s always a thrill to see my own photos on someone else’s blog!

  8. Angie, thank you so much for hosting. Great features!

  9. Thank you so much for the love and featuring the bud vases from my blog. I love all of your stuff. I really think you are so gifted. feeling honored!

  10. Thanks for hosting the party again!

  11. WOW, Girls, am I beyond surprised that you featured my blog here at this party! I have to thank you both for the honor and for a “no comment” blogger who left a comment in my “sign post” letting me know about it. I, somehow, managed to miss the party on the 5th….what a “blooper!
    Gotta go share the news on my blog and here, there and everywhere!

  12. Many, many thanks to you girls for sharing my blog as a feature. Your hosting and dedication to the party each week is much appreciated and the exposure that is bring to my blog is amazing!
    Enjoy your Mother’s Day to the max!


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