Old Barns – A Red One + Aged Music Page Printable

It’s been a while since I’ve shared any photos of old barns, but one showed up at my door this week, so to speak!

Remember the gorgeous old barn that was just down the road from my house?

It was owned by my mailman’s father, but was torn a few months ago.

Well, a few days ago the mailman knocked at my door.

He had 2 little girls with him and wondered if  his daughters could pet our “pony”.

She isn’t really a pony, she’s a miniature horse, but I digress…

While the girls were having fun with the horse, the mailman and I started chatting.

I told him how sad I was to see that the old barn had been torn down.

He said, “If you love old barns that much, you should see the old barn where my mom grew up – it’s really nice”.

He told me what road it was on, and later I went in search of it.

There were several really old barns on the road, so I’m not even sure if I found the right one, but I fell in love with this old red beauty, and was glad I could get a photo of it as the sun was setting behind it.

Its days are definitely, but I hope it doesn’t get torn down too.

You are welcome to download and print the photo for your own non-commercial use.

Click HERE to download the full size image.

old red barn - Knick of Time

I was also flipping through some of my antique song books, and found this music page, called, “The Old Barn”.

Talk about a coincidence!

You are welcome to download and print this page for personal use as well.

Click HERE to save the image.

he Old Barn Aged Music Page Printable - www.knickoftime.net

You can find all my old barns photos HERE.  You are welcome to print them, use them as iron-on transfers, or whatever you you’d like to do with them (for personal use only).

signature pin

Old barns music page and red barn image - Knickoftime.net

Vaya con Dios,



  1. Cindy Leaf Hall says

    We just last weekend moved into a farmhouse on 20 acres, and the view out my new kitchen windows is of an old red barn! I framed the window with curtains made from a tea towel set my mom embroidered back in the 50’s but never used. I will try to attach a picture for you to see. I love your photo of the old barn near you, and especially the sheet music! Thanks for the share. 🙂

  2. I love this barn. As a little girl in Kansas and then after we moved to Indiana I remember seeking out the Barns. This attraction has stuck with me into adult hood. My husband and I go on trips and drives on his motorcycle and I seek out the barns and take pictures as we travel.

    O and I love the sheet music!

  3. That is beautiful. I have a weakness for old barns too and would love to see more of the barns near you. When we were traveling some of the backroads in Illinois I spotted an old gray weathered barn with a huge flag on the front. We managed to get some good pics and enlarged one, put it in a barnwood frame with a red mat to match the flag. Every summer it goes above my fireplace along with flag decorations inside and outside my house. Thanks for finding the barn and sharing.

  4. Beautiful!! Love the red color! Perfect and charming! Hopefully! No one will tear this one down!

  5. Your blog is charming and full of great ideas that almost anyone can do. Bravo!

  6. What a neat story. Great shot. I love the printable too. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Marlene Stephenson says

    This is a great picture of an old barn and song. Thanks Angie, i love old barns.

  8. What a beautiful photo; thanks for sharing!

  9. Can’t thank you enuf Angie for that incredible barn photo. Also appreciate you sharing the music, not sure what will do with them but someday project will turn up and will remember printing them out (including music from “might also likes”).
    Can remember when I was youngster looking at barns as we went from Cleveland to upper PA to Dad’s Mom’s house, seeing all the tobacco signs and bryll cream signs on barns and along road. Then when I’d ride with hubs all over US and some of Canada when he was trucker would look at farmhouses and barns. I’d think how nice it would be to live in a farmhouse. Sometimes was kinda lonely going thru towns at night seeing lights on in peoples homes.
    Thx again for so many printables. Going to see what stencils you have so I can make some signs.
    Have wonderful rest of week

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