String Art Heartbeats, Command Center & More Talk of the Town #57

My youngest son had  to go to school and work on his birthday, so we didn’t really get so celebrate, so we took a little field trip as a belated celebration.

We went to see the Titanic exhibit that was on display a few hours away from our home, and did some shopping so he could spend some of his birthday money.

The Titanic was a little more pricey than normal museum fees, but I’m really glad we went.

We each received a boarding pass with the name of an actual Titanic passenger, and at the end of the tour we looked at a wall where we could look up the name of our passenger, to see if they lived or perished.

My daughter and I both had passengers that rode first class, and my son’s passenger rode second class.

Of the three of us, my passenger was the only one who survived.

It was a fascinating tour and we were able to see recreations of what our accommodations would have looked like.

There was a room full of fascinating artifacts recovered from the ship, including a whole set of completely unbroken set of au gratin plates.

The wood case they were held in had completely disintegrated under water before they were recovered, leaving all the plates neatly lined up in rows in the sand on the ocean floor.

If the exhibition comes to a city near you, I highly recommend it.

Welcome back to Talk of the Town!

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First, let’s take a look at what you may have missed from your party hosts!

TotT This week at Knick of Time

Farmhouse style decor and DIY projects by Knick of Time |

Farmhouse Kitchen Decorating Stenciled Wooden Sign and Spring Flowers

How to Make Easy Stenciled Farmhouse Style Flour Sack Kitchen Towels in 10 Minutes or Less

The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Make a Farmhouse Barn Quilt Block Sign with Step-by-Step Tutorial

TotT This week at Beyond the Picket Fence

Beyond the Picket Fence

A Grey Gallery Wall

Inspiring Verse

More Fun in 2017

Updating a Bookshelf with Paint

TotT This week at My Repurposed Life

Oak Table & Chairs Makeover

Oak Table & Chairs Makeover

DIY with MRL Episode #24

Easy Step Stools

Repurposed Dresser Drawer Dog Bed/Toy Box

TotT This week at Love My Simple Home

Love My Simple Home

A Round-up of Valentine Decor Ideas-DIY

Free Printable – February 2017 Calendar

TotT This week at Sadie Seasongoods

antique rug beater valentines decor

Antique Rug Beater Vintage Valentine’s Day Decor

ToTT Features

Here’s what we’re talking about from last week’s party!

TotT Pick Angie

Command center organization featured at Talk of the Town |

Command Center OrganizationThe Happy Housie

TotT Pick Becky

repurposed barrel hoop wall clock  featured at Talk of the Town |

Recycled Barrel Hoop Wall ClockScavenger Chic

TotT Pick Gail

DIY duvet fro a bedspread  featured at Talk of the Town |

DIY Duvet Cover Made from a BedspreadLittle Vintage Cottage

TotT Pick Julie

How to paint a light fixture featured at Talk of the Town |

How to Paint a Metal Light FixtureH20 Bunalow

TotT Pick Sarah

DIY string art on wooden hearts featured at Talk of the Town |

String Art Heartbeats on Wooden HeartsAmbient Wares

TotT Featured Blog

Each week we feature a blogger and their blog to introduce you to different bloggers that link up with us each week.

Make sure to pay them a visit and say hello while you’re there!

This week our featured Blogger is Angie at The Country Chic Cottage.

Angie is a full-time working wife and mother of 3  kids who loves to craft and change up the decor in her home.

Please pay her a visit on Facebook and Instagram.

If you were featured today, feel free to spread the word and display this button!

Talk of the Town featured button

Now, it’s your turn!

By linking up at Talk of the Town, you agree that your photos may be used to promote the party, or in other round-ups.

TotT Something to talk about


  1. Thanks Angie for Talik of the Town 57, great features.

  2. Thanks for the party, Angie!

  3. Oh my…everything looks great again. Loving the features! Thanks!

  4. Hi Angie – Thank you for hosting and wishing you a wonderful week! Hugs, Holly

  5. Thank you so much for hosting Angie, your Titanic tour sounds amazing. Have a wonderful week!!

    xo, Tanya

  6. Wasn’t the Titanic exhibit amazing and eerie? If I remember correctly, the person I got was a mistress who perished. I thought it was well done and very interesting looking at all the recovered finds and reading the stories. Thanks for the party and I hope your week has been a good one so far.

  7. Angie, thank you for the party. The Titanic exhibit sounds very good and what a great idea of giving you a ticket of an actual passenger’s name. It really makes you part of the whole experience.

    xo Dianne

  8. Journa Ramirez says

    Thank you so much for a great party!
    – Journa from the team at

  9. The Titanic exhibit sounds very cool! It’s exhibits like this that make history so exciting! thanks for hosting each week!

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