DIY Farmhouse Style Red Barn Birdhouse

DIY Farmhouse Style Red Barn Birdhouse

The birds will be singing for joy when you make this DIY Farmhouse Style Red Barn Birdhouse for them!

Birds love barns so make a Farmhouse Style Red Barn Birdhouse for your yard or garden! #KnickofTime #farmhousestyle #barn #birdyourworld #birds |

Inspired by my favorite red barn!

Supplies I Used:

How I Made It:

I had to paint my birdhouse red if I wanted it to look like a barn, so of course I used red paint!

I laid it on its side to keep as much paint as possible from getting on the roof.

As you can see, I got some red paint on the roof where I didn’t want it.  So I painted a coat of Dixie Belle’s BOSS product on it (Stands for Blocks Odors, Stains, Stops Bleed thru!).

It worked like a charm!

For the weathervane, my husband had the genius idea to glue a little bolt toward the top of the pole so it would stick up from the roof when I drilled a hole in the top.

I just slid the pole into the hole and the bolt kept it at the right height.

To hang it on the fence, my husband screwed two L brackets onto the fence, set the birdhouse on it, and put two more screws underneath.

It’s hanging right by the Photo Frame Bird Nest Helper.  I hope that makes it easy for the birds to grab pieces of yarn or hay and make a nest in it.

It remains to be seen whether any bird will actually use it, but here’s hoping!

*Note:  May 5th is the Global Big Day for”birders.”  You look for birds and report what you find at in a 24-hour quest to collectively record as many bird species as possible across the world.  I encourage you to join in!

Be sure to check out more of my Yard and Garden projects HERE.

Vaya con Dios,


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  1. Marlene Stephenson says

    This is a cute birdhouse, thanks Angie.

  2. Naomi Shelton says

    Cute birdhouse, Angie! I hope the birdies think so, too! I mean there’s the house and the nesting materials–what more could they want!

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