Repurposed Coat Racks – 2 Reader Featured Projects

Today, I’d like to show you two wonderful “inspired by” features shared by two wonderful Knick of Time readers!  Take a look…

Adina @ Simply Country Life was inspired by my headboard coat rack to create one of her own, and it is gorgeous!  Be sure to take a look at what it looked like before and see how she overcame some “issues” it had.

Jeanette @ Creating a Life purchased some antique date nails from my shop, and used them to turn salvage from an old baby crib into another fabulous coat rack!  You will LOVE what she made with other parts from the crib, so be sure to visit her!

Were you inspired by one of my projects to create your own?  Are you one of my customers and want to share a photo of my products in your home?  If so, please share!  My new feature READER SUBMISSIONS will showcase you!  Use this link to share: Submit Your Project



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  1. Angie thank you so much! I love the crib coat rack too!

  2. Thanks so much, Angie! Adina, I love your headboard coat rack!

  3. Interesting projects … thanks for sharing these. Love the antique date nails.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  4. Great ideas!

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