So Simple Candle Holders

I think I need to make a K.I.S.S. sign (keep it simple stupid), and hang it where I can see it ever single day.

I frequently bring things home from thrift stores and auctions, even if I have no idea what I’m going to do with them, and usually it doesn’t take long before an idea comes to me, but I’ve had  4 of these little vintage tins for over a year, and I don’t know how many times I’ve pulled them out an looked at them, and no incredible ideas came to mind.  I wanted to make something really unique, but I drew a complete blank every time I tried.

vintage bundt pans

 I’ve been trying to do purging throughout my house, and I looked at those tins again, and realized I either needed to do something with them, or get rid of them.  Maybe it was the thought of getting rid of something I bought without ever having done something with it first that made the thought come to me, but suddenly I realized that I didn’t need to make something complex with them, I just needed to…


I think these tins were Jello molds, and they had openings that were the perfect size to hold candles.  What could be simpler?

table centerpiece

Had I purposely shopped for candle holders, I don’t think I would have found any so perfect for my farmhouse table, as these are.

See that pretty enamel pitcher?  My sister sent it to me for my birthday last month, and I just love it, too.

farmhouse table centerpiece

signature Angie

See more Repurposed Decor HERE.

Salvaged and Repurposed Projects


  1. I love those candles KISS… 🙂 Nice job Angie!

  2. What a great idea! I’m going to look for some of those.

  3. Love this simple idea, where did you find the candles? I’ve been looking for “fat” ones like those.
    thank you – Cheryl

  4. Mary-Louise says

    Angie, great usage of the jello molds! Perfectly beautiful on your table. Love the idea of the K.I.S.S. Sign, I do believe many of us should hang one!

  5. what a wonderful epiphany!

  6. I love your K.I.S.S. sign idea. You brought my first laugh of the day. Thank you!
    Your candle idea is genius. Now I’ll be searching for those little holders! Thanks for being a bright spot in my day!

  7. Love this idea. Now to find some for myself. What a chore to go to the thrift store. LOL

  8. Charming! And you are so right about not being able to shop for something more perfect!

  9. Perfect for any holiday or any occasion.

  10. Angie! I have the very same jello molds here at home and had never thought of candle holders! Smack to forehead!!!! K.I.S.S. is right! Thank you for the idea!

  11. Really cute Angie and love the enamel pitcher too. That would fit in perfect with my collection.
    I must keep my eyes out for some of those molds.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  12. Angie, such a clever idea. Love all your creativity! Your white pitcher is the perfect piece to along with the molds. Keep us inspired!

  13. Now I know what to do with the collection of these molds that I just had to have!

  14. Tess and Angie, I too have the same molds and wondered what to do with them. Now I will have to look for some fat candles! Angie, once again thank you for the clever ideas!

  15. Now if this isn’t a clever idea, I don’t know what is! I’ve seen these little molds around at many places like flea markets and such…now I know not to pass them by next time! And that enamel pitcher is simply beautiful…you have a very thoughtful sister!

  16. Soooooo adorable, Angie! This is one of those ‘why didn’t I think of that!’ things! Sharing on Facebook tonight. 🙂 Thanks for linking up!

  17. Angie, you’ve done it again. Great use, great patina.

  18. Thank you for the bright spot of my day with the candles. My day started off with a commode that ran constantly that I couldn’t fix and make 1 1/2 drive to doctor’s appointment …so I turned the water off, took my dog to sitter and got in the early morning rush hour traffic to head to Little Rock, 2 3/4 hours later with my stomach rumbling I head for lunch going through a complicated highway department construction site. Under one of the new fly overs there was something in the road that blew a tire and sent me over temporary curbing. My son had to take off work and come change the tire for me. I eat, drive home stopping at the tire company to get a tire. They have to order it. I finish th4 drive , grab my dog and make it to the house to discover a 6-9 month old puppy on my porch. Cute bandana but no info or collar. I NEEDED THE RAY OF LIGHT to KISS and make it to tomorrow.

  19. Perfectly simple and clean look! I have picked some of these up and been waiting for a good idea and haven’t had one yet, so thank you!

  20. Sometimes simple is best! Well done!

  21. Love this idea Angie! Thanks for sharing at Shabbilicious Friday! 🙂 Julie

  22. Your candle holders are so pretty. I love that patina. I’ll be keeping an eye out for some of these molds now. Thanks for the inspiration!

  23. Linda Gilliam says

    Beautifully simple and yet perfect with your farm table….I love the pitcher also:)

  24. Kim Jarriel says

    I love all if your ideas!


  1. […] box and filled it with lots of interesting stuff.  Very cool!       Angie at Knick of Time recycled these old jello tin moulds into candle holders. Very ingenious!       […]

  2. […] tray into a shadow box and filled it with lots of interesting stuff.  Very cool!      Angie at Knick of Time recycled these old jello tin moulds into candle holders. Very ingenious!      Pamela at Flower […]

  3. […] and easy jello mold candle holders from Knick of […]

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