A Fresh New Batch of Farmhouse Signs

The problem with being a multi-tasker, is sometimes I have WAY too many projects going on at one time, and before I know it, they’ve overtaken my house.

I’d be mortified if anyone dropped in unexpectedly right now, so I’m on a mission to get projects finished from all the pieces I’ve drug into my house – before the week is over.

Anything that isn’t done before this week is up, is getting taken back out to my workshop.  I hate to do that, because my workshop is like the Bermuda triangle – things disappear there, and may never be seen again!

I’ve been focusing on cleaning and prettying up my kitchen this week, so I decided to turn several salvaged wood pieces into new farmhouse signs.

This piece was originally a drop-down leaf on an antique sewing table.  I painted it, then did an image transfer with the Dwight’s Soda advertisment (printable found HERE).  I lightly sanded to accent the chipped wood, as well as over the image to make it look worn and old.

cow sign

It’s available in my shop HERE.

farmhouse signs

Two pallet wood pieces were turned into 2 more signs.  I always try to keep the nails intact on the boards, because I think it adds to the aged look.

These are available as a set in my online shop HERE.

farmers market sign

My husband brought me another pallet today, and I know exactly what I want to use it for, but I won’t let myself start any new projects until I finish up everything else first.

farm signs

See more signs I’ve created HERE.

salvaged wood signs

signature Angie

Here’s something I think you’ll love!

Vintage Metal Wash Tub Storage Bin (affiliate link)

vintage metal wash tub

Please know that Knick of Time uses affiliate links, including but not limited to Amazon to help keep this blog up and running.


  1. LOVE the rustic signs! Great job!!!

  2. I just love your blog! I can’t wait each morning to see what’s new!!!! Thank you!!!!

  3. You didn’t make a dork out of yourself. You looked cute!

  4. Great signs of course! I watched the video yesterday and never entered for the gift card. I think I should watch it again because I liked it so much the first time. Of course I could just go back and enter, but what fun is that?

  5. No dork! It was great to see you and you did a wonderful job. What a neat idea 🙂

  6. Harriett says

    You say our emails make your day, well, your emails certainly make my day. On the gloomiest of days I can read your blog & find inspiration. Oh, I may not do a darned thing, but my mind is working, honestly & I thank you for that.

  7. The signs look great! And I so hear you on the not starting on new until you finish up old. I’m on a total “clear out the scrap wood/use what you’ve got” kick myself. But now I’ve managed to start about 12 projects all at once.
    Thanks for the inspiration – that cow graphic is so cool!

    • That’s exactly my problem, David – I start so many projects and have so much wood and other “junk” sitting in my kitchen and entryway right now. I can’t hardly stand it anymore, so I’m sure my family is sick to death of it too!

  8. Oh gosh, I just LOVE all of these signs, but most especially the one with the Dwight’s ad…I’m going to have to brave up and try doing this because I’m in Canada, otherwise; I’d just buy the one from your Etsy store and make it easy on myself…hehe! And I concur with the other commenters who are extolling the virtues of you and your blog…it’s such a joy to visit here and see what new inspiring creations you have completed…you always get my creative juices flowing and I have to thank you for that! Also, you did NOT come off as a dork in the video…I thought you did an amazing job…you and Loki are definitely naturals at this and Cat’s Pride would do well to hire you both on as spokespeople for their product!

  9. Well … if you and David are both on “GO” mode, I better try to work my way out of my present project paralysis. You’re both great inspirations. Angie, couldn’t get that video to show … will try again later. It’ll be nice to see someone else goof up instead of me, for a change!

  10. I too enjoy your posts and your creativeness! Just thought I’d finally leave a message to let you know that we are out there taking it all in!!

  11. Does it help any that you are not alone with the “don’t anyone drop over” troubles? I have two little cupboards that I have painted, need a coat of poly. A big cupboard that I need to paint and my hubby and I are putting old flooring on for a top….all sitting by my fireplace. I won’t even tell you what else is waiting for it’s makeover! We are trying to get ready for a “junk” show…my house looks like a flea market workshop!!
    Hugs from Iowa,

  12. Where did you get the stencils for the pallet signs? Did you make them yourself?

  13. Donna @Adventures in Junking says

    LOOOOVE the soda sign.

  14. I really like your new batch of signs, the Dwight’s Sods is my favorite. I really know what you mean by too many projects. I get ahead of myself sometimes and don’t focus on getting the task at hand done.

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