Spring is definitely in the air, isn’t it? Today it was warm enough at my house, that I put on a short sleeve shirt, and had the front door open for awhile! The beautiful day reminded me of some old farm tools I’ve had sitting in my workshop. They both appear to have been some kind of tractor implement, and they are blissfully rusty!
It was the perfect time to repurpose them into something new, and wall hooks was the obvious thing.
Fortunately, I keep a large supply of rusty screws on hand, and I had some large ones that were perfect for attaching the tools onto a rustic old board I’ve been saving.
These could be used as a coat rack, or a purse and belt rack, but since they are farm tools, I thought some pretty daisies hanging in my chalky painted jars would be prettier.
I need to dig through my junk stash some more, and see what other rusty pieces I may have to turn into new things. I love being able to so something unique and totally different from their original purpose.
It’s available in my online shop HERE.
See many more Repurposed and Upcycled project ideas HERE.
i love all your postings
Just wanted to say that I always enjoy your projects and your simplicity of purpose and style. maybe we will meet some day!
Meantime, we have the world wide web 🙂
I am out of rake heads at the booth and hope to score some today. I sell both the raw materials and the hat racks using the implements. Isn’t great to repurpose something that would have been discarded?
Now THAT is ingenuity! I, along with billions of people never would’ve thought to do something like this…thank goodness we have you! What a great addition to anyone’s entryway! And that rust is drool-worthy! 🙂
Thanks so much – you always make me feel much smarter than I really am! 🙂
love rusty old garden tools…can’t stop buying them. I have a plow attachment like yours and have it on my fence. Looks like it’s time to bring it in the house. Love what you did with them.
Love this one Angie … I have an old farm piece like that … a cultivator, I think. It fell off the handle, so maybe I should make a hanging rack out of it.
Audrey Z.
Hello, love your creative mind.
Thanks so much, Mary!