Guest House Fall Window Box Refresh for Fall

I don’t really “do” Halloween, but quite unintentionally, sometime between May and September, my cute little guest house turned into a haunted house … spider webs and all. I was away from home for several weeks at a time this summer, and all the pretty flowers in my pallet window box died in my absence. When I came home from the most recent trip last week, I discovered that the spiders had taken up residence and had made webs in every corner {Read More}

Window Flower Box for the Guest House

There are things we know we should never, ever do.  Things we’ve known since we were young. Things like: Never cross the street without looking both ways first. Never interrupt someone while they are talking. And whatever you do, never, ever, ever go shopping on an empty stomach, because if you get to the store and it’s the day they are offering free samples, you’ll get home, unpack your groceries, and realize you bought 10 pounds of amazing raspberry cheddar gourmet cheese, a 48-count case {Read More}