Thursday’s Theme – {Architectural Salvage Bliss}

Serendipity…happy accident.
That was the kind of day I had last week.
My husband called me and said, “Hey there’s a building being gutted and it looks like they have some stuff for sale outside – you might want to come take a look.”

When I arrived at the location, I saw just a few odds and ends outside an old brick building.  I got out and spotted one little thing that interested me, so I asked a man working there how much it would be.  He responded, “Oh, you can just take that”.  I asked if there was more for sale and he said that they’d really gotten rid of everything.  I knew they were gutting the building, so I asked if there was anything inside they were selling.

He responded that they were pulling things off the building, but I could take a look.  I spotted old wood, and lots of it…and my heart skipped a beat.  I decided to start small and see what price he’d ask for things.  “Are you selling those boards?”  (nothing fancy – just nice strong old boards – probably oak).
“You can have those, too.” (pitter patter)
“What kind of things do you like?”, he asked.
“Old wood, old metal…old stuff in general.”, I answered.

“Do you do anything with old ceiling tiles?”
(swooning…feeling light-headed)

I’ll be torturing my husband to start the remodel of our bedroom JUST so I can hang one of these in there!!  I’m thinking of turning one of them into a clock.

“How about windows?  Do you like old windows?”
(DO I LIKE OLD WINDOWS?!!  Mister, I’ve got 3 of them hanging IN my living room!)

That is just the beginning.  Here are more we hauled home.

 and more…

 and more.  My barn overfloweth.
I didn’t count them all, but I’m guessing there’s between 60 and 75 antique windows.

“Do you have a minute – I’ve got another building full of stuff across the street”
(I’ve got all the time in the world!)

“That dumpster is full of stuff you are welcome to look through.”
(now I know I must have looked like Templeton at the county fair…I couldn’t wait to jump inside the big metal box of bliss and scrounge to my heart’s content)
I drug out several pieces of old trim that are perfect for making coat racks.
Reclaimed Wooden Coat Rack - Coat Hook, Jewelry or Key Wall Hook - Created from Antique Salvaged Wood
Antique Wooden Coat Rack - Created from Reclaimed Salvaged Wood - Towel Hook
I’m so thankful for the great big blessing God sent my way!

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  1. Ahhhh…I am green with envy! Like that Panetone Emerald color everyone is talking about! YOU LUCKY DUCK!!

  2. What a find!!!!! Love them all especially the coat racks!!! xx

  3. Wow, and I got excited over a little old free gravy boat. You scored!

  4. I got super excited when I was given 2 windows, I can imagine your elation over 65!!!
    Chris =]

  5. I am so jealous! Even though I would never have enough room for all of that …

  6. Wow!! What a great find!!

  7. I am so glad you were able to save all the great architectural pieces. I saw with horror a building in our town used as a fire safety exercise. They burned it down without salvaging anything! I am anxiously waiting to see all the projects.

  8. You certainly hit the motherlode! Fabulous finds that you will turn into even more fabulous pieces.

  9. Oh fantastic! Love old windows!!!!

  10. Well, how pickin’ cool is all that!!! I envy you because you have the barn to put it all in.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  11. wow…that is a blessing! my hubby is like you, he would be jumping into the dumpster! lol

  12. You are truly blessed Angie. I am so happy for you and I know that you will turn those pieces into treasures for the next generation!

    Happy Thursday!:)

  13. Oh my heavens! I was smiling bigger and bigger just reading this! What a joy!

  14. WOW Angie … you must be on “Cloud 9” with all those goodies. Thoughtful hubby to call you about that project and a nice wrecking foreman to let you look for stuff. Most would not let anyone on a job site like that for fear of getting hurt. Will be excited to see all the neat projects you come up with.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  15. I was excited for you just reading this. What treasures!!! Wow! Enjoy. I have some old windows and can’t wait to see what you do with them. Lucky you.

  16. Wow!! How do you sleep knowing you have all of these treasures just waiting for you!! It sort-of-feels like Christmas!!
    Can’t wait to see what you will be creating next!!

  17. You hit PAY DIRT!!!!!!!!!!! HOw lucky can you get???????????? I’m so jealous, hahaa!!!! and wished I lived closer. I’d been in that dumpster with ya!

  18. Angie, There is heaven on earth. When I move back there I will get your number so I can alert you to finds, also. Love the ceiling tiles and even one would have made me happy.

  19. Oh my goodness…what a treasure trove you stumbled upon! Imagine all that ‘garbage’, wow you sure lucked out! The ceiling tiles are to die for…and those windows?? You are going to be one busy woman playing with all your new junk!!
    Debbie 🙂

  20. WOW! What a blessing!! Have you plans for all those windows???

  21. Wow, Angie, These are a lot of fantastic treasures! I’m happy for you. It would have been such a shame if these would have ended up in the dumpster. Have fun playing with your wonderful finds!

  22. Looks like enough windows to build a window greenhouse, and you could always take it apart if you ever run low. Run low? HA!


  23. Be still my heart!! This is the sort of thing I only dream about. He probably thought you were doing him the favor for hauling it all out of there.

  24. I hope hubby got a big hug for making the call to tell you about all of this great stuff!

  25. Angie! I’m dying! You said you got a windfall; you weren’t kidding!! This is beyond awesome! I’m sure you will adorn them with your usual magic touch. I only a {little} jealous. 🙂 Congratulations!

  26. Wow–you hit the jackpot! Love all those windows. Have fun! I am jealous too…:)

  27. You are one lucky lady!!! I am green with envy!

  28. I do believe that all those things are wonderful! But the best thing is that awesome husband who called to tell you it was available to you! There is no way on earth mine would do that. He’d do everything in his power to keep me from going down that road and seeing it! Just tonight he asked me why I had a broken birdbath in my garden. It’s junk, says he. I like it because the broken piece is covered by a hanging basket that sits in there during the rest of the year. And there is a cute squirrel on the base of it. He just does not have the vision. sigh.

  29. W-O-W! Congrats on finding the motherload!!! My husband used to be sooooo embarrased to pick up something off the side of the street. But he’s been trained/educated now and occasionally comes home beaming with a newfound treasure. I’ll be back to see what you do with all those windows. Warm Hugs,

  30. oh angie!!! you’ve hit the jackpot!!! won the lottery!!! you’re a bazillionaire!!! i want to come & live in your barn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! old windows……old wood…..oh my!!

  31. Way to hit paydirt! WOW…I would have been in heaven also…and my husband would have cringed! Enjoy your finds!

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