repurposed Starbucks bottle … because it’s cute, right?

Am I the last person in the world to realize that Starbucks bottles look like old pint-sized milk bottles?

Well, they kinda-sorta do, right?

starbucks bottle

Okay, it might be a bit of a stretch, but if you have a good imagination, and some white paint, it could pass for a milk bottle right?

painted starbucks bottle

Actually, that doesn’t really have anything much to do with my post today, but just play along, okay?

My husband and daughter occasionally buy frappucino, so we had some of these Starbucks bottles sitting around, and if you know me, you know I stockpile glass bottles and jars, because there are hundreds of cute things to do with them.

tape image transfer on Starbucks bottle

There was one sitting by my sink waiting to be washed, and that’s when I saw the kinda-sorta resemblance to milk bottles, so I painted the interior of the bottle white. I used the same easy image transfer process that I used to make the Milk & Cream bottle (tutorial here), but this time I wanted to use a different image …

so it would look like a milk bottle… except not.

I know…it doesn’t make any sense to me either, but it’s cute, right?

repurposed Starbucks bottle


I used the “Madam Blumer’s advertisement (original image here), but I converted it into a black and white image to use for this project.  I printed the image at wallet size so it would fit on 3″ wide tape to do the transfer like this.

antique advertisement printable

Won’t this make a cute vase to hold flowers this summer? I didn’t want to pick my irises that are blooming, since those never last long once cut, so I picked some flowering weeds instead for this photo instead.

Flowers are flowers and it’s cute, right?

tape image transfer

I still have several more of the bottles, and oodles of glass jars, so I know I’ll be using this same process on more of them.  My “thoughtful” teenage son offered to drink the frappucino for me, if I wanted to buy the drinks to get more empty bottles.  Needless to say, I told him I’d pass on his thoughtful offer.

image transfer on glass bottle

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  1. dumb question…how do you paint the interior of the bottle? I would love to try this!

    • Tina, it’s very easy. Pour a few tablespoons of paint inside the bottle and swirl it around until the whole inside of the bottle is coated. Turn the bottle upside down on something it can drain on, and about every 15 minutes move it to a new position to drain more, until all the excess paint has dripped out, then flip it upright and allow to dry completely.

  2. Yes! It’s cute! I need ideas for my bottles! TFS!

  3. What an adorable idea

  4. Yes, I love it!! That is so cute and clever. I sure like that transfer.

  5. If you use this for a vase does the paint come off due to the water inside?

  6. So very cote! I’m on the hunt for one , thanks! LOVE you r farmhouse blogs! My very very favorite! Great job! Thanks so much! Cindy

  7. How did you get the sticker off the bottle?

  8. I’ve occasionally had a frappucino myself, but never took the time to consider the shape of the bottle like you have. It does look like a little milk bottle! And what you’ve done with it is super-cute! Off to read the transfer tutorial now!

  9. Yes, it’s cute…SO cute! Fun project, Angie!

  10. Wow! More great treasures ! Enjoy!

  11. You are not crazy or alone! I am sure the milk bottle image is exactly what Starbucks had in mind when they developed their Frappuccino! I, too have always loved their shape.

  12. Great idea! I’ve been looking for white milk bottles. I have 3 empty Starbucks on the shel right now! Thank you!

  13. Charisse says

    I have been wanting to try those for quite some time. Now I have a reason!

  14. Oh, this is awesome.
    I need to find me some starbucks bottles.
    I love the print.

  15. Cynthia says

    Love, love, love this! Off to have a frap and collect the bottles. As always, thanks so much for sharing Angie!

  16. I thought the same thing, so i painted a couple of them. I love the transfer graphic on yours. It is so cute.

  17. I live in the Greater Vancouver area (British Columbia, Canada) and we have a dairy that stills milk (and eggnog and chocolate milk) in glass bottles –
    There’s a 25 cent deposit on the bottle, but I bet a lot of people hang onto the bottles beause they’re so cute. I don’t drink milk, but I use it when I bake, of course. I haven’t hung onto any of the bottles to date, but I think I’m going to keep a couple.

    I worry a lot that in this age of plastic and cheaply made furniture that our generation won’t have much of interest to leave behind for future generations. As I’ve watched you play with all things dairy my respect for Avalon has deepened!

    • You are fortunate to have a dairy that still uses glass bottles nearby, Donna! We used to have one, and the closed the milk part of the operation several years ago. They still make cheese, but I really miss buying their milk and getting the bottles!

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