Farmhouse Friday #6 – Repurposed Tools

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 Happy Farmhouse Friday, everyone!  This week’s theme is repurposed tools.

Anything that may have once been used as some type of tool on a farm is fair game!  Some of them may surprise you.  Let’s take a look!

(Click on the arrow keys to see each project.)

repurposed tools via Knick of Time  

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  1. So much great junky goodness…I had never seen the wonderful Zachary Smith pieces before…fun!

  2. Hi Angie,
    I enjoy your blog so much. You bring such great ideas for repurposing. I suppose I should have been born in a different decade cuz I just love vintage items.


  3. that Edison quote is fantastic! (and adding the hammer is perfect). And I now really want truck spring stools.

  4. I love all of these very creative ideas, I need to build a kitchen around them! Thanks for including my rusty rake picture holder Angie.

  5. When it comes to commenting on the things I love most about this post, I wouldn’t even know where to start…it’s all just truly amazing! Oh, the ingenuity that went into all of this…I can’t even imagine! Since I’m not the ingenious type, I’ll just have to borrow some of these fantastic ideas! 😉

  6. Hi Angie,
    I really appreciate the time you spend finding all the great graphics you share with us. I found your vintage maps and wanted to print one of Tennessee. But, I can’t find any maps past Rhode Island. Am I missing something? I tried to search for TN, but no luck. When you have some time could let me know if I am doing something to have lost the remainder of the maps? Thanks so much.

  7. Thanks for hosting this, Angie. I love that you give everyone a week’s notice of the theme. And I love that you try to stick to posts about that theme. As someone who is relatively new to blogland, and occasionally gets lost in the avalanche of creativity, I know I am most likely to find the inspiration or ideas I’m looking for at your link party.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  8. What a great collection, Angie! Thank you very much for including my tree and the LOVE sign. You’re right. The sign indeed contains tools. The “L” once was a mason’s tool and the “V” is made from two old bobbins which were parts of weaving shuttles for large weaving looms.
    Have a lovely weekend :)!

  9. Naomi S. says

    Such creativity! It was fun just scrolling from one to the next to see what cool repurposed item would come up next! I especially liked the old rake turned into a wine glass holder. I think I have one of those old rakes in my garage!

  10. I love all of these very creative ideas, I need to build a kitchen around them! Thanks for including my rusty rake picture holder Angie…..

  11. Mark Christensen says

    Hi Angie,
    I love what you’ve done here. I live in the Los Angeles area where there’s not a lot of old rust. Every so often I’ll run across a garage sale where someone is selling their old family members tools and I go sort of crazy. My wife just rolls her eyes at me. I love to repurpose old tools. I’d love to send you some pics, how would I do that? I found your blog when searching for ideas on repurposing hand saws. Anyway, thanks for the ideas.

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