You Asked – We Listened! Changes at Talk of the Town #80

Welcome back to Talk of the Town #80!

Every Tuesday at 7 pm Central

Here at Talk of the Town, we want to help you find just what you love.  You asked for changes and we listened!

We know many of you come looking for DIY and Repurposed Projects, but some of you just want the yummy recipes.  So starting today, we have divided the links into those two categories to make it easier to find what you are looking for.

Featured at Talk of the Town #80 |

Talk of the Town link party button

First, let’s take a look at what you may have missed from your party hosts!

TotT This week at Knick of Time

Knick of Time Vintage Farmhouse Living blog

Vintage Sign Stencils and Craft Supplies Giveaway Blog Hop

Best Affordable Farmhouse Style Furniture

DIY Repurposed Cabinet Door “Gather” Sign

TotT This week at Beyond the Picket Fence

Boho Rustic Sofa Table

Inspiring Verse

TotT This week at My Repurposed Life

My Repurposed Life

DIY Console Table

Recent Finds

Old Oak Table Redo into a Craft Table

TotT This week at Love My Simple Home

Love My Simple Home

No Sweat Driftwood Sea Sign 

Sadie Seasongoods

DIY Portable Potting Bench

Craft Junk/Supply Giveaway

ToTT Features

Here’s what we’re talking about from last week’s party!

Strawberries and Cream Popsicles and DIY Outdoor Bench featured at Talk of the Town

Strawberries & Cream Popsicles – The Black Peppercorn

DIY Outdoor BenchCherished Bliss

Flavored Water Drink RecipesUncommon Designs

Entryway RevealThe Magic Brush

Oreo Cheesecake Bites – Stagetecture

Baby Crib Porch SwingLolly Jane

Blueberry Balsamic Mustard Chicken PopsOur Good Life

Upcycled Cupola Garden Table – Stow and Tell You

Strawberry Shortcake BiscuitsEat Move Make

Repurposed Fondue Forks Plant MarkersMy Thrift Store Addiction


If you were featured today, feel free to spread the word and display this button!

Talk of the Town featured button

Now, it’s your turn!

By linking up at Talk of the Town, you agree that your photos may be used to promote the party, or in other round-ups.

***Please note:  We have added a new guideline.  Please keep in mind that linking up with stock photography or using photos without express permission by the photo owner is not allowed.  Links of stock photography or photos that are not owned by you will be removed without notification.***

DIY, Vintage & Repurposed Links

Recipe Links

Please know that Knick of Time uses affiliate links, including but not limited to Amazon to help keep this blog up and running.


  1. Thanks so much for the party!!

  2. Love your GATHER sign, Angie! Can’t wait to use that stencil myself 🙂 Thanks for the great party–

  3. Thanks for hosting a great party! – Journa, visiting from the team at

  4. Thanks for the party, Angie and hope your week has been a good one so far.

  5. Thank you for hosting the party!

  6. Thank you Angie. I like the idea of having 2 links. Have a great week!!

    xo Dianne

  7. The split didn’t work as planned. I guess there was a problem with reading instructions. Maybe next time…

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