Sonday – {When the Saints Go Marching In} Antique Hymn Page Printable

Our homeschool group is called the Saints, so in honor of my middle son’s graduation, the hymn for today is…



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  1. I had to do a class dance to this song in the 6th grade. I was never more embarrassed in my life. We practiced forever, so when I hear the song I immediately am taken back to that time.


  2. Such a great, old song! I’ve been humming it this morning as I get ready to head off to church 🙂 It’s the end of year celebration for our 3-4th grade S.S. dept. Should be interesting doing all the water balloon activities in our chilly, 55 degree temps! Is this REALLY June???? Hope you have a wonderful day!

  3. We sang that song so many times when I was a kid- now I haven’t seen it in years. I hope you have a wonderful Sunday, Angie- xo Diana

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