Repurposed Book Pages…The Stockings Were Hung

Last week, I showed you the antique headboard that I turned into a coat rack.  I listed it in my shop, but figured it might not sell for awhile, so I decided to keep it in my living room and use it to hang my family’s Christmas stockings on.  I wanted to add something vintage Christmasy-looking to the center of the headboard, so I drew a small stocking template, then used it to cut a bunch of little stockings out of old book pages.  I used stick-on glitter letters to add the words, then just strung it on jute twine.  After it was all done, I realized it would have been cute to add a white “cuff” to the top of each stocking, but I like it this way too.
Repurposed Book Pages - The Stockings Were Hung via Knick of Time
I hung my strand of mini paper stockings…then the headboard sold the next day!  I do have other headboards, so I’ll paint another one to use for our stockings, but this one definitely had the most character.  Oh well!!  The stockings will get hung, one way or the other.
Repurposed Book Pages - The Stockings Were Hung via Knick of Time




  1. I don’t know whether to smile or feel bad for you!;>) xo Diana

  2. It’s no wonder that gorgeous headboard sold when you put that cute banner on it…great work Angie! Hugs, Penny

  3. That is super cute, love it! Have a great Thanksgiving!

  4. I love this banner & headboard Angie, just beautiful! xo

  5. So cute and different than the usual Christmas words on banners.

  6. Oh how sweet! I love it.

  7. What a beautiful idea. It’s no surprise that you sold that gorgeous head board. 🙂

  8. I know I already told you how much I love these on G+ but I just love them so much I had to comment again..:)

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