Clip Art – Antique Advertisement for Sewing Thread

I bought several magazines from the late 1800’s, that have so many beautiful images and antique advertisements, so you’ll be seeing lots of them in the coming weeks.

I fell in love with this advertisement for sewing thread, with a hand on it.  I think this would look awesome enlarged as a sign for a sewing or craft room.  I’ve removed all the background from it here.

Antique Advertisement Sewing Thread

Here it is before I removed the background.

Antique Sewing Thread Advertisment

Here is the complete advertisement – isn’t this great?!

Antique Advertisement Thread

You may recall that earlier in the year, I had a special “Reader Features” page where you could share projects you’d made using the antique images I’ve shared, but  that feature was lost when I changed the service I use for link sharing.  I’m reviving it again, because I love seeing what you do with all these fabulous images, and think others would love to see your great ideas also!  I’m still working on that page, but for now you can link up anything you’ve made with one of the antique graphics from Knick of Time by clicking on this InLinkz tool.

Many more free printable antique advertisements can be found HERE.

antique advertisements free printables

Please know that Knick of Time uses affiliate links, including but not limited to Amazon to help keep this blog up and running.


  1. I love the strong graphic…it would make an awesome sign! Thanks for sharing, Angie!

  2. Thank you for sharing, Angie! I love it!

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