Antique Hymn Page – Let the Lower Lights be Burning

Here’s a lovely antique hymn page from the early 1900’s.  I think this would look lovely as an image transfer onto a candle (tutorial HERE).  Enjoy!

Antique Hymn Page - Let the Lower Lights be Burning



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  1. That is lovely. I haven’t heard that hymn in years.

  2. Absolutely lovely, I really look forward to your messages, it’s the first item on my agenda for the day. I will return your email as soon as I have the time to give it my full attention.
    Love and Blessings to you and yours.
    Kind regards

  3. Thank you Angie …always enjoy what you share. And had to smile when I saw that you had posted this at 330 in the morning :- ) , considered ‘normal’ here on the farm, but generally surprising to see ‘on the web’. Have a blessed day.

  4. One of my Mom’s favorite hymns … thanks for sharing. Yes, would make a beautiful candle cover.
    Blessings to you Angie.
    Audrey Z.

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