The Lord’s Prayer Antique Hymn Page Printable

Of all the beautiful old hymns, my favorite ones are actual passages of Scripture that were set to music, like this, “The Lord’s Prayer” song.  Occasionally gospel songwriters, both past and present, include lyrics that just don’t line up with what the Bible teaches, but you can’t go wrong when you set actual Scripture to music.  It’s also one of the best ways to memorize Scripture, for people who are auditory learners, like myself.

This page came from a beautiful antique hymn book in my collection.  Enjoy!

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The Lord's Prayer Antique Hymn Page


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  1. Marlene Stephenson says

    Thank you Angie,hope your having a wonderful day with your family.

  2. Angela Hoynes says

    Thank you

  3. Jackie Pitts says

    Angie, those tract primer pages are wonderful! I hope to make two doll sized books using them, one for me and one for a home schooling grandmother I know. She has been telling her kids about the specific content in textbooks of an earlier generation, And Korah was asking for it,

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