Antique Advertisement Image – Brown’s French Dressing

This antique advertisement printable for Brown’s Fresh Dressing, came from an early 1900’s magazine.  I think it would look wonderful added to a tin can or box, or used as an image transfer for a furniture project.


antique advertisement graphic


 Here’s the reverse image that can be used for transfers.

graphic image transfer


You’ll find more free antique advertisement printables HERE.

antique advertisements free printables

signature closing

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  1. Dear Angie,
    I just had to leave a quick note to say Thank You for the reverse image, it really is invaluable.
    Kind regards

  2. You are quite an inspiration. Each day I look forward to what you are sharing. Thank you for bringing some sunshine into each day!
    Kindest Regards, Cyndy

  3. Hi Angie! I’m rather new to your website, and I LOVE IT!! I’m a farm girl, REALLY, living on our dream farm of 20 acres, with our 3 horses and a pony…..for the grand kids, of course! We waited for 30 years before we realized our dream, and it was worth it. Thanks for the MANY wonderful, down-home ideas you post and share. I’ll be sharing your site with some dear friends who will also love your ideas! Thanks!

  4. SusanIrene says

    Thank you Angie for these cute images. Trying to come up woth ideas to use them.

  5. This is really a sweet image…thank you for sharing it! One thing that came to my mind, though, as I looked at it…I thought French dressing was for salad not shoes? lol!

  6. Thanks for another nice image Angie. Really appreciate the work you do on these.
    One day, I took a picture of a vintage shoe that advertised “shoe dressing” to Office Max to have some copies made and the young man working there asked me what “shoe dressing” was.
    Just shoe polish, I said. He looked surprised … well, he was young.
    I think this was one of your images you did some time ago.
    Blessings to you and your family.

  7. Thank you – I know just where I’m going to use this! x

  8. Thanks so much for the wonderful graphics! I especially love the food labels–I remember when Cow Brand Baking Soda was the only one! LOL

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