Get off the bench and get in the game

I’ve always loved this hymn, because it’s such a sincere prayer about wanting to be “all in” for God.

hymn book

The mid-week small group I attend has been doing a study from the book by Francis Chan, called, “The Forgotten God”.  There’s a video that goes along with the study, and he gave a very vivid example of how most people, in most churches in America behave, that really struck home with me.

The example was a football team in a huddle before a big game.  The coach gets them all psyched up about going out an playing their best game, and really giving it all.  The players are all pumped up, and they put their hands in and break the huddle.

You expect them to hit the field running, and start the game really fired up, but instead, they go back and sit on the bench.  The coach calls them into a huddle again, tells them what he expects, and all the players are gung-ho to get in the game, and play with every ounce of their strength and ability.

team huddle

The same thing happens again – they break the huddle, and go back to the bench.

Do you see where he was heading with this example?  The coach (minister), preaches a sermon every week, and challenges his team (congregation) to go out there and play (live) 100% for God and His kingdom.

We leave church totally ready to really do it.  We’re inspired, we’re convicted, we’re ready to get out there and get serious about our walk with God and ministry to others.

Then Monday morning rolls around.  The busyness of life immediately takes 1st priority, and before we know it, we’ve spent the whole week on the bench, and never got in the game.

I really believe most people (including myself) really want to live 100% theoretically, but we aren’t intentional about it.  We kind of float through the days, weeks, and months, then look back and just feel guilt over the time and opportunities we wasted.

 So, I share this hymn page with you today, in the hope and prayer that we truly have the desire to “get in the game”, and not just talk about it.

Our world has enough bench warmers.

signature blessings

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  1. Great message Angie and so true.

  2. Great message Angie, so true.

  3. Thanks, Angie.

  4. Awesome and inspiring, Angie. Love following your website and love sharing our God!

  5. Amen sister!

  6. I love this thought-provoking analogy, Angie! Thanks for sharing!

  7. That is a favorite hymn of mine too. You are exactly right with today’s post. Thank you for the reminder and the inspiration.

  8. I LOVE this and so very true. Amen!

  9. Wonderful lesson, and thanks so much for sharing!

  10. Yes, that’s an analogy that hits home, for sure. I think that there are so many distractions in life that we sometimes lose sight of the more important things. It’s hard to stay inspired 24/7 to be the best you can be. If only we could have our ministers or whatever life coaches sit on our shoulders the entire time. When all is said and done, being imperfect humans as we are, all we can do is to do our best and to try to find ways to inspire ourselves to be better people. Sounds like this book will help…will have to check into it! Thank you!

  11. Marlene Stephenson says

    Isn’t it the truth,thank you God for being so loving as to forgive us, we fall so short. Good message Angie.

  12. Karen Enquist says

    Thank you for sharing…our pastor brought this book last Sunday…currently I am reading Chan’s “Crazy Love”. I struggle to live through the week the message I her each Sunday too

  13. What a great site you have here! I love what you had to say and am so guilty of sitting on the bench and mostly feeling sorry for myself. I will definitely be back for more inspirational thoughts! Thanks

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