Vintage Advertisement Buttermilk Soap

 A few months ago, I purchased a lot of late 1800’s magazines, because they all had beautiful illustrations on the covers and were filled with wonderful images like this vintage advertisement for Buttermilk Toilet Soap.  This would be a perfect graphic to put on a glass jar to hold bath salts, cotton balls etc. (image transfer on glass tutorial here).  It would also be pretty as an iron on image on a towel.

vintage advertisement

 Here’s the full advertisement the image came from.

vintage advertisement


Here’s the gorgeous cover this advertisement was in.  I love the detail in this artwork of such a lovely woman in an evening gown.

 Click on the image to download it as a full size instant art printable.


1900s evening gowns harpers bazar


  1. chris aka monkey says

    you have such wonderful graphics thanks for sharing xx

  2. I enjoy your blog and wanted to say thanks for all the great graphics you are willing to share with us.

  3. Jennifer Merritt says

    Wow! It just doesn’t get any better than vintage and magazines all in one. As a magazine hoarder, um collector, myself I couldn’t imagine the excitement of having those wonderful pieces at my fingertips. I’ve never come across any vintage magazines but I would scoop them up in a heartbeat. My Nanny always had magazines, more than I could ever count, and I loved going to her house and reading them. She passed on her love because I have stacks of my own everywhere. When she passed away I got a box full of her magazines, the oldest one 1981. Thanks for sharing the vintage graphics from the magazines that otherwise we wouldn’t have access to.

    • I have tried *so* hard to dull my hoards of magazines, because they I had filled up way to many baskets with them in my house, so now I only have my very favorites. My mom still has loads of them, so I love visiting her and looking through hers, Jennifer!

  4. Really lovely graphics…thank you for sharing them! Whenever I see the ladies from long ago in all of their attire, I have to wonder how long it took them to get ready in the morning? But those gorgeous dresses and intricate hairstyles sure were the stuff of dreams!

  5. I love to see vintage graphics and favor them over a lot of others. There is such detail and flare in the work. These are really good and I look forward to seeing more. You really hit the jackpot with them.

  6. Angela Prather says I want to downlonad image but when I click on it it’s not letting me how do I do that

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