My Son’s Beautiful Fall Outdoor Wedding

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Fall Outdoor Wedding Decor

Finally, here’s the only project I didn’t share before the wedding.   It was the hanging mason jar candle holders I assembled for them.

I gathered up every one of my lightning canning jars and tied on twine.  To keep the candles from sliding in the jars, I put some special candled adhesive under the candles.

A Fall Outdoor Wedding with string lights and hanging mason jar candle holders |

They looked beautiful in the evening hanging from the edge of the covered pavilion where tables were set up for the reception.

Outdoor wedding reception hanging mason jar candle holders |

Click on the links if you missed how I made the rustic illuminated crate display, welcome sign, and small tabletop sign projects.

Fall Outdoor Wedding Decor |

How to make a rustic wooden wedding sign |

The guest table held the small sign I made for them, wildflower seed packets, the mini succulent mason jars, and advice cards for the couple.

Wedding guest table advice cards |

Finally, that’s all!

Vaya con Dios!

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  1. Congratulations Angie for the lovely wedding of your son, they make a beautiful couple.
    You and your boys look great !
    Much love and blessings to the new couple.

  2. Congratulations Angie, to you and your husband. Your son and DIL make a beautiful couple.
    You and your boys look great too.

  3. What a beautiful day you all had. The bridal couple look so happy! May they be forever blessed. 🙂

  4. Donn Trulli says

    Congratulations to all concerned. It was a beautiful wedding. Thank you so much for sharing the pics with us.

  5. Congratulations to the lovely couple! May they have a happy life together and share lots of wonderful moments and exciting adventures. What a beautiful wedding they had. I love the casual style. All your projects look great, Angie! It must have been fun to make them for such a wonderful event.

  6. Sandy McElroy says

    Beautiful Angie, wish we could have been there. Thankyou you for sharing. Congratulations !

  7. Lisa Houghton says

    Hi I have waiting to see the pics since you started talking about the wedding 😊Congratulations to all what a beautiful wedding xxx just love reading your posts and getting amazing ideas xxx many blessings

  8. Laura Laskey says

    Congratulations! What a beautiful family you have. Loved everything!

  9. Oh what an adorable ceremony! I love everything about it – the simplicity, the farm house style!! Just beautiful! Congratulations – you must be so proud!!!

  10. Leslie Corak says

    Everything is lovely! You can just feel the Joy and Love through the beautiful photographs! Congratulations and God’s Blessings on each of you as your family continues to grow!

  11. Congratulations to the lovely couple! Great photos! And my kind of wedding, casual! I think it’s wonderful that you found your dress at thrift store! I love it! I would rather shop at a thrift or antique store than a brand spankin new store!
    Have a Wonderful day!

  12. This is so sweet and the couple looks so happy. Congratulations and the wedding looks lovely.

  13. Beautiful! Just goes to show you that you don’t have to spend a fortune to have a beautiful wedding. Love the simplicity of it all, and I could look at photos all day It’s not too many! Love ya and Congrats to all!

  14. I think this was such a perfect, beautiful wedding, Angie. I teared up reading about the rings…everything was special to the couple and had meaning. Love the photos…it’s such a satisfying feeling when it all comes together. Congratulations!

    • Linda, I’m so glad the my daughter in law decided to use both her grandmother and my son’s grandmother’s rings. I meant a lot to my father-in-law seeing his wive’s ring and his grandson’s wife’s hand.

  15. Teddee Grace says

    Well, everything was just beautiful and just right! And I love Pico! So well behaved and that bow tie!

  16. Vee Muller says

    Congratulations to everyone! You all look so happy! Thank you for sharing their lovely wedding.

  17. Looks like it was a great event, and everyone looks so HAPPY! which is what it is all about.

  18. Pam Hawkins says

    Such a simple and beautiful wedding!!! Thanks for sharing.

  19. Beautiful! Much Happiness to your family !

  20. Simple is good! Helps put the focus on the proper things–like the people and the love and commitment.

    Congratulations to your son and his bride! They looked so happy and so carefree. I wish them a long life together filled with happiness and only very light burdens.

    The photos are beautiful! Well, Angie, two down, two to go! Blessings to all of you!

  21. Congrats girl on the new addition to your family she looks like she will be a great daughter in law. Thank you for sharing your family day..

  22. What a beautiful wedding! I love your story about your outfit. And I love that your son even involved his dog. It all looks very special and personal – a wedding to remember, the best kind.

  23. Angie congratulations to the happy couple. You have a wonderful family, great kids and a great dog. Bless them all. You should be very proud.

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