Dollar Tree Books Upcycle Tutorial: Create Custom Books

Dollar Tree Books Tutorial – How to create custom books for your home decor.

Farmhouse DIY Upcycled Dollar Tree Books with Chalk Couture and Faux Flowers by Knick of Time

Way back when I first started blogging, I used to make and sell book stacks using vintage and antique books.

Now it’s hard to find vintage books at a reasonable price.

So sad.  I miss those days!

Today I’m upcycling Dollar Tree books.  Sometimes those are cheaper than thrift store books.

But the main reason for using them was I wanted books that are the same size.

Your books can be customized with letter stamps, stencils, ribbon, burlap, or even the book pages.

I’m doing a combination of adhesive stencils, ribbon, and faux flowers.

I’ve seen other people use the Family Trio, the Welcome Trio, and the Together Blessed Thankful Trio on the book spines, but I wanted to do something different using the cover.

Chalk Couture Together Blessed Thankful

Your Life Your Story seemed a perfect design to put on a book cover.

** NOTE – This transfer along with many others is being retired July 1st to make room for new designs.  Once a transfer has been marked for retirement, it WILL NOT be restocked.  If sales accelerate, it may SELL OUT before its retirement date.  So grab it while it’s still available!  A full list is at the end of this post.

Supplies Needed to make these Upcycled Dollar Tree Books:

Books of any size or color.  Mine are about 9″ x 6″.

Chalk paint

Paste finishing wax (Make sure it is “natural” color which is clear.)

Faux flowers

Glue gun & glue sticks

Adhesive stencil

Chalk paste (Black Velvet & Garden Herb)



  • If needed, paint the cover and spines with chalk paint.
  • Let them dry completely.  Chalk paint dries quickly, so you won’t need to wait long.
  • Apply finishing wax with a cloth and buff.
  • Let dry for about 10 minutes.
  • Fuzz the pieces of the transfer you are going to use.
  • Press transfer pieces where you want them.
  • Squeegee the paste across the transfer, then peel it off right away.
  • Decorate the rest of the cover with ribbon and faux flowers or greenery.


My books were a funky color so I did paint them.

Some of the pieces I wanted to use.

upcycling Dollar Tree books with Chalk Couture

First, I laid the ribbon where I wanted it just so I’d know where to the position the transfer above it.

I opted for the small greenery transfer instead of the paper leaves.  They were just too fragile and I knew I would get glue all over them.

Next I glued on the ribbon.

The last step was gluing the flowers on.

Chalk painted mixed media Dollar Tree farmhouse book cover with Chalk Couture transfer faux flowers buffalo check ribbon by Knick of Time

Upcycled books with Chalk Couture transfers chalk paste faux flowers buffalo check ribbon by Knick of Time

I still have two of the painted books to work with.  Looking forward to making them over as well!

See more book projects HERE.

Here is the list of retiring transfers.

Vaya con Dios,


Here’s something I think you’ll love! *Affiliate

Less than$8 with free shipping!

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Farmhouse Pillow Covers with Farmers Market Quotes


  1. Such a cute idea. Angie!

  2. Kim Jarriel says

    What a great idea! I love it!

  3. Naomi Shelton says

    That’s a unique and new-to-me idea–painting/decorating books. Hmmn, I might have to try it. I know one thrift store not too far from me that has second hand books quite cheaply. The ones you got at Dollar Tree are printed books, right? Not blank books.

  4. This is awesome – love it!

  5. Great idea for old books! Sometimes you can get them free at library book sales, books that are too old or dated to catch any paying customer’s eye.

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