It’s Fall Guest House Tour Time! Happy first day of Fall! I’m so glad you dropped by. Can I start by asking you a question?
Knick of Time Fall Guest House Tour + 5 Easy Farmhouse Decorating Ideas
Christmas Entryway Welcome Home Tour
Hello everyone! I’ve been a busy bee, and can’t wait to show you my Christmas entryway! I don’t decorate my entire house for every season and holiday. It’s just too much work, but I did want the entryway to look welcoming and festive. The entryway remodel is almost finished, and it’s down to deciding what to do about the floor, but my husband built me a wall hutch that I couldn’t wait to decorate for the holidays. It has 3 tall vertical shelves and 1 {Read More}
Outdoor Spaces Welcome Home Summer Tour
Welcome to my Outdoor Spaces tour! Do you remember that blog post when I took you room by room through my whole house, showing you ever nook and cranny, every organized closet, and all the beautifully decorated spaces in our home? Yeah…me neither. That’s because that blog post doesn’t exist, except in my imagination. There’s a possibility it never will, because my whole house isn’t finished and even if it was I could probably never get every room {Read More}