Talk of the Town #68

After taking three weekends off playing around, I’m cracking the whip this week and working on outdoor projects that are long overdue, but turning out great!

I’ll be sharing one of them tomorrow and the rest very soon, but right now it’s time for

Talk of the Town.  Welcome back!
Wait until you see this week’s features.  They are wonderful!
First, let’s take a look at what you may have missed from your party hosts!
TotT This week at Knick of Time
TotT This week at Beyond the Picket Fence
TotT This week at My Repurposed Life
TotT This week at Love My Simple Home
ToTT Features
Here’s what we’re talking about from last week’s party!
TotT Pick Angie
TotT Pick Becky
TotT Pick Gail
TotT Pick Julie
TotT Pick Sarah
TotT Featured Blog
Each week we feature a blog to introduce you to different bloggers that link up with us each week.
Make sure to pay them a visit and say hello while you’re there!
This week our featured Blogger is Jolena from While I Linger
If you were featured today, feel free to spread the word and display this button!
Talk of the Town featured button
Now, it’s your turn!
By linking up at Talk of the Town, you agree that your photos may be used to promote the party, or in other round-ups.
TotT Something to talk about

Please know that Knick of Time uses affiliate links, including but not limited to Amazon to help keep this blog up and running.


  1. Thanks so much for the feature!

  2. Journa Liz S. Ramirez says

    Had fun with the party this week, thanks for hosting.
    -Journa. from the team at http//

  3. Hope you had a nice Easter, Angie! Thanks for the party and hope you’re having a great week so far.

  4. Thanks for the party, Angie!

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