Magazine Giveaway Winner + Talk of the Town #79

I hope all of my American readers had a wonderful 4th of July!  My mom and niece are here visiting with us, so we were happy to get to celebrate with them.

Before we get started with this week’s party, here’s the winner of my June magazine giveaway. The winner is Tena Barke.  Congratulations, Tena!  I’ve sent you an email to find out what two magazines you’d like to receive.

Welcome back to Talk of the Town!

Talk of the Town link party button We selected features that really rocked the DIY this week!

Talk of the Town 79 featured DIY projects at Knick of Time |

First, let’s take a look at what you may have missed from your party hosts!

TotT This week at Knick of Time

last week on Knick of Time

Free Kitchen Sign PrintablesLove Notes | Saying “I Love You” 52 Times for the Newlywed Couples

Monthly Recap | June 2017 Edition | How to Make a Pallet Wood Coffee Cup Kitchen Rack

TotT This week at Beyond the Picket Fence

last week on Beyond the Picket Fence

Hall Tree Makeover | How to Be More AuthenticInspiring Verse

TotT This week at My Repurposed Life

Last week at My Repurposed Life

Headboard Coat RackTrio of Gray Glazed Shelves

TotT This week at Love My Simple Home

last week on My Simple Home

How to Repurpose a Child’s Puzzle Stool Into a Decorative Farmhouse Tray

TotT This week at Sadie Seasongoods

last week on Sadie Seasongoods

Vintage Washboard DIY Farmhouse Photo Frame | DIY Beach Vacation Memory Jars

ToTT Features

Here’s what we’re talking about from last week’s party!

TotT Pick Angie

Repurposed blue Jeans Belt Loop Cuffs

Repurposed Blue Jean Belt Loop Cuffs Vintage With Laces

TotT Pick Becky

DIY Rustic Farmhouse Wooden Flag

DIY Rustic Farmhouse Wooden Flag Petticoat Junktion

TotT Pick Gail

antique secretary makeover

Vintage Secretary Makeover Orphans With Make Up

TotT Pick Julie

diy leather drawer pulls

DIY Leather Drawer Pulls Love and Renovations

TotT Pick Sarah

ceiling fan lights into candle holders

Ceiling Fan Lights Into Candle Holders Thrift Diving

TotT Featured Blog

featured blogger vintage with laces

This week our featured Blogger is Julia from Vintage with Laces. Julia is very passionate about sewing, creating unique pieces with wonderful junk, and decorating her home. She loves to go treasure hunting to find vintage or industrial items for her creations and vignettes.  (Repurposed LOVE sign, Sculpture Seamstress, & Valentine Pallet) Be sure to pay her a visit!

If you were featured today, feel free to spread the word and display this button!

Talk of the Town featured button

Now, it’s your turn!

By linking up at Talk of the Town, you agree that your photos may be used to promote the party, or in other round-ups.

***Please note:  We have added a new guideline.  Please keep in mind that linking up with stock photography or using photos without express permission by the photo owner is not allowed.  Links of stock photography or photos that are not owned by you will be removed without notification.***

TotT Something to talk about

Please know that Knick of Time uses affiliate links, including but not limited to Amazon to help keep this blog up and running.


  1. Sharing with your party this week my recipe for Strawberries and Cream Pie. Enjoy!

  2. Love spending Tuesdays with your party. Thank you!

  3. Thanks so much for the party, Angie, and happy 4th of July!!

  4. Thanks for the feature Ladies!

  5. What a lovely surprise and great start into the day! Thank you so much for featuring my belt loop cuffs and my blog, Angie! 🙂

  6. Hi Angie – Thank you for hosting and wishing you a wonderful week! Hugs, Holly

  7. Thanks so much for hosting!!

  8. Thanks for hosting, Angie! Hope you enjoyed your 4th with special family and friends!

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