Yesterday I promised I’d share the tutorial to build this farmhouse wooden tote, so let’s get to it! Build a Bread Board Wooden Tote with Paper Towel Holder All works © Knick of Time – Do not redistribute this tutorial in part or whole in manner. Supplies Needed: (contains affiliate links are included to help you find the products you’ll need. Most of these Pine Boards (dimensions below) 1″ diameter wood dowel thumb screws (1/4″ x 20 x 1″) T nuts {Read More}
Free Farmhouse Vignette Photo Printable
Now, I don’t mean to toot my own horn or anything, but I was really pleased with the old farmhouse look captured in the product photos of the milk bottles I shared yesterday. 🙂 I wanted the photos to look like they were taken in an old farmhouse kitchen from the previous generation – like grandma was getting ready to do some baking on a Saturday morning, and I think the photos captured that spirit.
The Easy Way to Make Aged Looking Signs
My favorite signs to make are ones that look aged and weathered – like they’ve been hanging on a building or inside a store for years and years. It isn’t hard to create that look at all.
Winter White Inside the Farmhouse
It’s been snowing at my house the last several days and it’s frigid cold, and although the winter white scene outside looks pretty, I’m ready for the snow to stop. Really ready.