There are certain things that I always find at thrift stores. Nearly every time I go, I find a cheese cloche or dome tray. What do you call them? After pondering what to do with one I found several months ago, I finally knew what I would do with it. A centerpiece for fall or winter. And I set out to do just that!
Let It Snow Snowman Crate & Sign
In this post: Let It Snow Snowman Crate & Sign We got a fairly big snow Sunday night. Technically, it was a blizzard because of the high winds. I figured it was the perfect time to show you what I worked on while it snowed.
Hibernate Cuddle DIY Canvas Pillow
Winter Cabin DIY Canvas Pillow Get double duty out of your pillows with this reversible DIY method and make a pillow that’s perfect for fall or winter! As soon as the weather starts turning chilly, my first instinct is to snuggle up and go into hibernation until spring returns. And the temps dropped into the 40’s last week, so I’m really hunkering down for the long, cold weather ahead!
Hot Chocolate Recipe DIY Chalkboard and Cocoa Bar
My family has been craving hot cocoa, but rather than buy packs at the grocery store, or the even more expensive version from Starbucks, I decided to display a homemade hot chocolate recipe on a pallet frame chalkboard. I plan to make a batch of the homemade mix for each of my kids and attach the recipe card to it. Here’s how I made the hot chocolate recipe chalkboard: I cut pallet wood into two 29″ lengths and two shorter 18″ lengths. I attached the two {Read More}