New Book Page Canvas Art Design

It’s been a busy, fun and crowded, 2-1/2 weeks at my house, while my mom, nephew, and niece were here visiting, and I’m sad it’s come to a close.  They are boarding the train to return home shortly, and my house will seem too quiet for the next few days.  I’m already looking forward to September, when my mom and dad will return for another visit.  I haven’t worked on many projects while my mom was here, but a customer {Read More}

Book Page Canvas Wall Art

This week I’ve been focusing on expanding my “line”of book page canvas wall art signs.  It’s a stretch to call it a “line”, as I have two styles available right now, but I will be adding more next week, and plan to create additional styles, and may offer some printable versions as well. My newest one is this Amazing Grace canvas sign.  I used pages from a very old Bible, which are extremely fragile to work with, but their color {Read More}