What’s Better than a Chocolate Chip Cookie?

I’m a cheapo – plain and simple, but occasionally I realize that my cheapo tendencies are making too much work for me. For example, I’ve had my online shop  since 2010, and this blog since 2011.  I have sold close to 5,000 items in my shop and written more than 1,500 blog posts.  Do you know what that means? That means I have taken thousands of photos…thousands. Do you want to hear the strange part? I’ve never really enjoyed photography.  How I {Read More}

Springtime on a Country Road

I did so much whining about the cold during winter, that I figured I should try to give equal time singing the praises of spring.  I’m also trying to capture my beautiful country road in photos in all four seasons, and today was the most gorgeous day to take photos.  The weather was absolutely perfect, the birds were chirping, and on a day like this, all seems completely right with the world. This image is available as a printable without my {Read More}

Vintage School Desk Makeover

I’ve been given several old school desks over the years, from people whose kids had outgrown them.  I often repurpose parts of them, like the antique alphabet school page sign I made from the top of another desk, but this one didn’t have any parts that were easily removable, so it would get a makeover instead. All in all, it was in decent condition, but a child had scratched some words into the top of the desk, and the “greige” {Read More}

Autumn Morning on a Farm Country Road

The last several days, it’s been very foggy in the morning, but burns off late morning.  A few days ago, I was getting in my car, and noticed how beautiful it looked, with the fall colors, and had to grab my camera to capture it.   The view down our gravel road was ghostly beautiful, and  my oldest son said it looked like the Headless Horseman should come galloping down it. My old-fashioned wooden swing looked a little lonesome, yet charming. The {Read More}

Photography Friday – Practicing Outdoor Rural Photography

You’d think with as many photos as I shoot for my blog and shop, I really love photography, but I don’t.  I actually don’t like it at all, but I know a large part of that is because I’ve never really learned to use my camera, so it seems like so much work to get good photos.  I have a DSLR camera, but for the most part have used it like a point and shoot, relying entirely too much on {Read More}

My Boy – Senior Graduation Photos

I apologize in advance for this post.  If you are sick of seeing photos of my kids, I’m going to subject with more of them today.  My middle son is graduating from our homeschool, and being the thrifty mom that I am, I always take their senior photos.  I am not a portrait photographer at all (or any real photographer at all), but we both were really happy with some of the shots we got, and with so many pretty {Read More}