House Numbers Sign Hanging Planter

When you live in the country, giving someone directions to your house can be tricky. There aren’t many landmarks to look for, unless you count fields of corn or barns. So my directions usually sound something like this… “Turn at the 5-way, go past three fields of corn on your left and two fields of soybeans on your right. When you spot the water tower in the distance, turn left.” See the problem?

Best of Farmhouse Friends + Rusty Bike Makeover

I’ve got a special treat for you today!  I’ve teamed up with some of my blogging buddies to bring you Best of Farmhouse Friends, and for our special event, I gave my super rusty old bike a makeover and dressed it up with a farmhouse style  flower basket! I bought my old bike four years ago at a yard sale  (see how it looked when I bought it HERE). It was already really rusty when I got it, but it’s been sitting out {Read More}

Window Flower Box for the Guest House

There are things we know we should never, ever do.  Things we’ve known since we were young. Things like: Never cross the street without looking both ways first. Never interrupt someone while they are talking. And whatever you do, never, ever, ever go shopping on an empty stomach, because if you get to the store and it’s the day they are offering free samples, you’ll get home, unpack your groceries, and realize you bought 10 pounds of amazing raspberry cheddar gourmet cheese, a 48-count case {Read More}

Rosemary & Thyme and a Garden Herbs Sign

I know I’ve climbed on this soapbox before, so please forgive me, but I’ve just got to gripe about it one more time. Why in the world do companies – especially companies that have been around  forever – switch from awesome product packaging made of metal with fantastic designs, to ugly plastic and boring designs?  Why, why, why? I’m sure there’s some bottom-dollar reason for it, and perhaps I’m part of a small percentage of the population that actually cares, but I {Read More}

Farmhouse Friday #8 – Garden Projects

Happy Farmhouse Friday, everyone! Everywhere you go this time of year, garden centers are exploding with color, people are working in their yards and the air just smells so fresh and sweet with with the scents of flowers and freshly-mowed  grass, so the theme this week is yard and garden projects. If you missed any of the previous Farmhouse Friday themes, you can find them all HERE. How is your garden growing so far?  I know many of you are {Read More}

Repurposed Chair Flower Planter

 A few years ago, I had scads (does anyone still use that word?) of old chairs that I’d picked up, primarily at auctions.  I was on a repurposed chair kick , so most of them were turned into new creations, but I still have just a few left that I’ve never done anything with. I have no idea what possessed me to buy 2 of these chairs, because they aren’t my style at all, but I did.  I think they must {Read More}