Today is my 50th birthday. Wow … that’s just weird to say. It seems like yesterday I was half that age, full of youthful energy and busy with a toddler. It would be easy to make jokes about aching knees, failing eyesight, and sagging “girls,” but I won’t. Of course, all those things are true, but instead I prefer to focus on what I’m grateful for. I’m grateful to have two legs that take me where I want to go. My knees {Read More}
Bespoke Wooden Totes & American Farmhouse Style
My daughter has a word-of-the-day app on her phone. Most of the words are ones that are seldom used and neither of us know what they mean, but the one she told me the other day was bespoke. It’s an old word that dates back to the 1500’s and is rarely used in normal conversation, but it’s become a somewhat trendy word today. According to Merriam-Webster, bespoke refers to things that are ordered before they are made. My husband and {Read More}
Flower Shop Rusty Metal Farmhouse Bucket Makeover
Visiting a flower shop in the dead of winter is a bit like crashing a slumber party full of preteen girls when they first discover makeup. If a little color is a good thing, surely every shade on the color wheel must be better. We’ve all been there, right?
Laundry Room Sign Stenciled on Salvaged Wood Shelf
Well, hello 2017. It’s so nice to meet you! I’m kicking off 2017 with a super-duper easy project in my laundry room. It’s been three and a half years since we remodeled our laundry room. I still love it today as much as I did when we finished it, but I realized the other day that I haven’t tweaked a single thing in the room since then. I’m a tweakaholic, and that wasn’t like me at all, so I was ready to {Read More}
Farm Fresh Milk New Stencil Design
Would you think I’m a grouch if I said I’ll be a bit relieved when Christmas is over and things get back to normal (or as normal as things ever get in my house)? I love Christmas. I really and truly do. I’ve tried to wish every bell ringer and cashier I see a “Merry Christmas,” I baked (and ate) a ton of chocolate kiss cookies rolled in sugar sprinkles, I put fresh evergreens in every nook and cranny in my house, and {Read More}
Glowing Mason Jar Luminaries DIY Christmas Tote
When I was a little girl, one of my favorite things to do at Christmas time was to lie underneath the Christmas tree and stare up at the glowing colored lights. Nine times out of ten, I’d drift off to sleep lying there, while visions of kiss cookies and Christmas presents danced in my head. I’m too big to get under the tree now, so I came up with two easier ways to enjoy Christmas lights around the house. Remember {Read More}
Mistletoe Christmas Crate & Cat on the Naughty List
Have you ever watched adorable little children waiting in line for their turn to sit on Santa’s lap, then one of those sweet little cherubs climbs on and proceeds to pull Santa’s beard and push on his belly, just to see if it’s real? Well, if our new little cat was a child, she’d be THAT child. Don’t let looks deceive you. She looks sweet now, but you don’t know what she’s put me through today. I was trying to {Read More}
Typography Stenciled Chair and Chair Back Shelf
If you’ve been a regular visitor of my blog for awhile, you may remember the grain sack typography chair makeover I did a few years ago (seen HERE). Well, today is a day of totally trashed chair projects, and I have other typography chair to show you that I finished, as well as a broken chair that I turned into a shelf. Here’s the first chair. I bought it at an auction several years ago, and stored it in my barn {Read More}
Thrift Store Makeovers and No More Complaining
I’m so glad my son wasn’t with me last week when I went to the thrift store. If he was, I’d be eating crow right now. I almost never find good deals there these days. I’ve ranted about it before, so I won’t rehash it. Since he’s usually in the car with me, he hears me gripe about the prices every time I shop there. He rolls his eyes. I ignore him and continue griping. I need to get it {Read More}
Give Thanks DIY Painted Wood Sign
I want to enjoy every last minute of summer, but knowing that autumn is just around the corner, I decided to work on a sign with a “give thanks” theme.