Weekending | Five for Friday

Have you watched Dunkirk at the theater yet?  My family and I saw it a few days ago.  As war movies go, it has very little harsh language or graphic violence, yet tells the fact-based story so beautifully.  The performances by Tom Hardy and Kenneth Branagh were particularly moving.  I highly recommend it! 1.  The last few gladiolus are blooming in my farmhouse junk garden.  They put on such an amazing display this summer, and I can’t wait to plant {Read More}

Weekending | Four for Friday Features

I’ve got a crazy busy weekend ahead with cleaning and packing for our upcoming trip to California for our son’s wedding.  I’m so excited! In the meantime,  I wanted to give a shout-out to some of my favorite bloggers.  

Anniversary Weekend, Proud Momma Moments & Reader Projects

After almost six years of blogging, I’ve come to realize that this blog has become so much more than just my job.  There’s an even more important reason.

Needs, Wants, Unique Finds, Great Photography Tips & Best Easy Recipe

Needs, Wants, Unique Finds, Great Photography Tips & Best Easy Recipe Whew!  That was a mouthful, but it’s fitting because I have a smorgasbord of things to share today. I don’t usually go out of town three weekends in a row, but my husband and I are celebrating our 28th anniversary tomorrow, so we decided to get away for a few days.  We’re not doing anything fancy – just enjoying a few days of continental breakfast and maid service, which {Read More}

Weekending & $50 Walmart Gift Card Giveaway Winner Announced

I don’t normally bite my nails, but I’m in full blown nail-biting mode right now.` Tomorrow my husband and I are meeting the parents of my rock climber son’s fiancee.  I hope my hubby doesn’t pop any off-color jokes, and I hope I don’t talk one hundred miles an hour.  That’s what I usually do when I’m nervous. But I got my hair cut and eyebrows waxed, and bought a new shirt to wear.  So hopefully I’ll look calm, cool, {Read More}

Weekend Getaway Chicago Road Trip | Rt. 66, Museums, Mummies and More

My weekend getaway to Chicago, plus some money-saving Chicago travel tips My daughter and I have been planning a weekend getaway for months. She graduated from college last May, and rather than buy her a gift, I wanted to give her a weekend getaway instead so we could relax and make memories together.  I just didn’t realize at the time that it would take us over ten months to actually get away. She’s a 911 call center dispatcher with an {Read More}

Affordable Gift Ideas & Thoughtful Tips| My Favorites for the Farmhouse Kitchen

When it comes to gift giving, it’s the thought that really counts, right?  Let’s not confuse affordable gift ideas with just being cheap, because it’s totally possible to give a really thoughtful gift without spending a fortune.

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Weekending | Five That Will Make You Laugh, Cry, & Wanna DIY

It’s cold and windy outside today, so I holed up in the house all day packing up stencil orders. When I was sick of looking at packing tape and cardboard boxes, I treated myself to some web surfing and movie watching time. Working on the computer for much of the day doesn’t allow me much time to just play around, so it was a welcome break. Fresh Fruit and Flowers Centerpiece Here are five things I came across that made {Read More}

Weekending: 100 Screw Holes Later and Fall Window Box Update

I did something really dumb, and now I have to pay for it. If you do the crime, you must do the time, as they say. Believe me, I regret my crime and wish I had been smarter. My crime?  It was putting screw holes into the wood walls in my kitchen. Not just a few holes.  I made loads of them. Every time I showed you a photo like this … or this … or this … I put more holes {Read More}

Weekending | Room Reset and a Rusty Pitchfork

This week has been a Longgggg one. Seriously. My teenage son got his first real job, which is a huge “hip hurray,” but he doesn’t have his driver’s license yet.  So you know what that means?